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It's was last period at 2:00 pm, and suddenly a little piece of plastic flew by your face, startling you...

Your crush sat right next to you, and he always would fool with pencils, tape, and just anything to keep him entertained during class. You found this quite adorable.

He looked over to you and mouthed, 'Are you okay? I'm sorry. ' with a kind of scared face. You mouthed back, 'Yeah, I'm fine. '

He got out a sheet of paper and started scribbling words onto the page. After he finished writing, he passed the paper to you.

On it, it said...
Hi. I'm really bored and I need something to do so I thought I would talk to you. What should we talk about??

You replied...
How about we make up a sentence using one word at a time, you go first.

C/N: The
Y/N: Nerd
C/N: Boy
Y/N: Had
C/N: A
Y/N: Huge
C/N: Crush
Y/N: On
C/N: A
Y/N: Awkward
C/N: Girl
Y/N: Yet
C/N: He
Y/N: Found
C/N: Her
Y/N: Perfect
C/N: Just
Y/N: For
C/N: Him.
Y/N: She
C/N: Thought
Y/N: That
C/N: He
Y/N: Didn't
C/N: Like
Y/N: Her.
C/N: One
Y/N: Day
C/N: He
Y/N: Finally
C/N: Got
Y/N: The
C/N: Courage
Y/N: To
C/N: Ask
Y/N: Her
C/N: Out
Y/N: By
C/N: Talking
Y/N: To
C/N: Her
Y/N: Through
C/N: Passing
Y/N: Notes
C/N: In
Y/N: Class.

You suddenly realized what was going on. You slowly turned your head in your crush's direction, he had the biggest smile and blushing so hard and you did the same. You both quickly looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

He started scribbling words on the page agin. It's said...
I know this is kind of awkward just sitting here passing notes but I just really wanted to tell you something, umm... how do I put this. Well, I have had the biggest crush on you for, it seems like forever, and I have never really had the courage to tell you and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. I've always thought you would never like me back so I just try to distance myself a little bit and yet you probably already knew because I cannot keep a secret very well. What I'm trying to say is, will you, Y/N Y/L/N be my breath-taking-adorable-funny-smart-kind-and-just-so-perfect- for-me girlfriend??

Once you had read what he wrote on the paper, your heart beating as fast as it could, your mind blurred, stomach fighting butterflies, and your whole body tingly, you had a mini breakdown inside.

Once you came back to reality, you started writing whatever came to your mind first. And it said...
So, I'm sorry if this is kind of not what you wanted to hear but my mind is not working right so sorry, but I love you so much and all I'm going to say is YES, YES, YES, YES, YES 1 million times YES.

At first he frowned and had a very worried look on his face and the suddenly grew into the biggest smile you have ever seen him make. He kind of started hyperventilating. He got up from his chair and ran out of the room, and you followed him. You peered out of the door and he was having a mental breakdown in the hall way.

            ( Here is a visual. )

( Okay, maybe not dancing that good but something close to that. )

You went up to him stopped him from celebrating you both just standing in front of each other, face to face.

He picked you up and spun you around until you both were dizzy, finally he put down, and admitted, "You would not believe how over joyed I am right now. " you just smiled so big, and the rest is yours to make up.

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