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*Before vacation*

"Im going to miss you so much. " Y/C said his voice cracking. "I'm only going to be gone two weeks. " you said wrapping your arms around his neck.
"But that's two weeks of not seeing you, not hugging you, not kissing you, and just everything we do together. " he said his voice cracking even more. "I said you could come with us, my mom even offered. " you said as his eyes were covered with a layer of water.

"That would be too much trouble. " he said on the verge of crying. You just hugged him as tight as you could as he did the same to you. You could feel his hot tears go through your hair as he hugged you tighter. "I still have two days before I leave. " you said reassuringly. "That's not enough time. " he said his voice a mess, his cheeks were stained with his tears, his face red from embarrassment.

"Y/C, please don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you cry. " I said as he sobbed into my shoulder. "But I have became so accustomed seeing you everyday and it's hard not to do something that you usually do everyday and it seems like forever but it's really not. And I know I'm overreacting-" he said in between his sobs. "Oh baby, you're not overreacting. It's a natural thing for someone to do in a relationship. " I said trying to get him to calm down.

"But I feel like I'm overreacting because there are couples that have long distance relationships and I feel bad and like I'm just being a baby about it but I know I'm not and its just natural thing but-" he said sobbing but you had cut him off by planting a gentle kiss on his lips. He then kissed you back pushing you up against the wall. He took his hand through your hair as you felt his face have a frustrated look on it then, tears soon starting streaming down his face again. "And I'm going to miss those moments, so much. " he said pulling away out of breath.

He then got on his knees and hugged your legs while his face was shoved into your lower stomach. You then played with his hair making Y/C look up at you and smile. You then squatted down to his level. "You're going to be okay. " you said kissing him on the forehead making him smile even more.

*day you're coming home*

I had told Y/C that I was going to be gone for another three days so I could surprise him when we got home. I got dressed in his favorite outfit on me. It was a hoodie with the periodic table on it with army green jeans with your hair in a messy bun that you didn't even try fixing.

Y/C P.O.V. Thoughts

I was sitting in bedroom staring at the ceiling, my eyes not able to produce anymore tears but I needed to cry. I held on to the sweater Y/N had given me tightly. I then smelt of it, it smelled like her which made want to cry even more. I was at home, alone. I then decided to lay down on the floor because that was Y/N's favorite place in my room to sit. I smiled at the thought of her.

Then I heard a knock on my door. I shuffled down the stairs, knowing it was the mail. I opened the door to see a small package. I opened the package and looked at what was in it. It was one of Y/N's nerdy hoodies that she has. It was my favorite one with the periodic table on it.

I looked at it as I had a confused look on my face. I then closed the door and brought the hoodie to my living room. I smelled of it. It still smelt like her. The sweet smell of a mix of vanilla and roses. Tears began streaming down my face again.

Another knock at the door came. I once again came shuffling to the door, not expecting anything special. I opened the door and looked up to see a beautiful figure. I could barley see because of the tears streaming down my face. My mouth dropped open as I saw Y/N standing in my door way smiling.

I then picked her up in my arms and squeezed her as tight as I could and spun her around. "Love!" I shouted as that was what I called her. I sat her down on the ground and dropped to my knees hugging her again. Happy tears began streaming down my face.

I then raised up her shirt and kissed her stomach. I planted soft wet kisses all the way up her stomach to her neck. She was giggling witch made my heart stop for a split second. My lips then led to her lips which made my heart speed up even more. It felt like my whole world was with me again. I felt like I was at home.

"W-What are you doing here?!" I asked in amazement shoving my head in the crook of her neck and hugging her as tight as I could. "I.. cant... breathe.. losing oxygen... help. " she said as I let go of her worried that I had hurt her. She took in a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, love I just missed you so much. " I said tears now streaming down my face half because I had hurt her half because she was with me. I then lightly hugged her again leaving little wet kisses on her neck.

"It's fine sweetest. " she said kissing my ear which made my heart jump with joy. "You have no idea what you do to me Y/N. " I said looking her in her eyes as I got lost in hers. A goofy smile then followed on my face as I was mesmerized.

I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around me and I kissed her more. I walked up the stairs to my room and threw her on my bed making her laugh with that laugh that kills me every time. I tackled her and kissed her collarbone. "This feels so amazing to be with you finally, baby boy. " she said as I stopped. I looked her in her beautiful eyes for awhile.

I then smashed my lips into hers as she kissed back. I pulled back leaving us both breathless. I rested my head on her chest and sighed. The wrapped my arms around her torso. I could hear her heart beating. It was soothing I could fall asleep to the rhythm. Soon after I had fallen asleep on her chest. Well... almost asleep. I could feel her hands going through my hair as I shifted for us to be on my right side.

Y/N's P.O.V. Thoughts

Y/C had flipped us over. There was only one problem, his face was now in between my lady bubbles. I tugged at his hair making him look up at me and winked at me smirking. "Don't you get any of those nasty thoughts in your head. " I said tugging at his hair again. "Getting kinky now aren't we, baby girl?" he said smirking at me. "STOP. " I said squeezing him in between my legs.

"Okay, master. " he said getting closer to your face. "I'm going to nap now. " you said closing your eyes. "I love you so much. " he said closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.

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