The Park

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( A/N: sup yo, hey I'm bored right now and outside and I felt like writing this because I haven't been updating like I should and I'm sorry so I will get to that since I have nothing to do. )

It was early fall and you were in the park writing in your journal...

( what you are writing in your journal. )

Hello agin, it's me, Y/N,
Right now it is fall and it is freezing outside. I see my crush running around the park with his family. Now he is playing with his younger brother. Awe, how he is just so gentle with him, like it is a piece of fine china. He is now coming in my direction. HELP I'm scared. He is almost here. What do I say? Ahh!!!! I don't know what to do.

"Hey Y/N. What are you writing. " Y/C said to you. You quickly closed your journal and threw it behind you. "Nothing. " you replied smiling like a total idiot. "What's wrong? " he said suspiciously trying to get to the book you are blocking him.

"Nothing, just chilling. " you said as he stopped trying to get to the journal. "Why won't you let me see the journal? " he said confused. You had all kinds of fiction and pictures and stories about him in that journal. "Nothing, it's just really personal. " you said.

"Well, can I look in it? " he asked. "You are not going to give up till I yes are you? " you said trying to keep tears from falling. "Nope. " he said as he crossed his arms. "Fine, have at it. " you said letting a tear escape your eye.

"What's wrong? Tell me. " he asked getting closer to you. He took his finger and lifted your chin to look up at him. "Tell me now. " he said. "Just look in the journal it will explain everything. " you said now crying. He grabbed the journal and started reading.

"Y/N. " he said looking at you. You just looked down and just started to cry your eyes out. He put his arm around you. "I feel the same way. " he said with a huge smile on his face. You looked up at him. "Really? " you managed to say. "Really. " he said "and I was wondering If you you w-would be m-my girlfriend. " he said nervously.

"YES! " you screamed/said. You buried your head in his chest and started laughing. He laughed with you. "I'm sorry. " you said into his chest. "It's fine, no harm done. " he said laughing. "Come on, let's go to my house. " he said. "Okay, sounds good to me. " you said in a more calm voice.

You stayed at his house all night and you guys watched your favorite movies and TV shows and ate a bunch of junk food.

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