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You were at your best friend's house doing nonsense as usual...

"Hey, we should FaceTime Y/C. " she said making you laugh. "He won't answer. " you said continuing to scroll through Instagram. "Yes, he will. " she said flicking you on the forehead. You glared at her making her laugh. "No he wouldn't, plus I look like I just rolled out of bed. " you said standing up and walking into her kitchen to get food.

"You just did!" she said laughing at you. "Exactly, more the reason not to call him. " you said pouring your favorite cereal into a bowl. "I'm going to. " she said walking off to her phone as you were pouring milk into your cereal. "Just don't get me in the frame." you said putting a spoon/fork in your cereal. ( just thought I should add a choice of spoon or fork because my best friend has a terrible fear of spoons. Don't ask me why. 😹 )

"Okay. " she said turning the opposite way you were. She FaceTimed him on her phone. "Why are you calling me at 9:00am?" he asked with a husky voice making your insides melt. "That's a nice way to greet someone. " she said sarcastically as you gave her a thumbs up. "Sorry, I'm tired. So why did you call me?" he asked again with husky voice making you bite your lip trying not to smile.

"I wanted to ask you question. " your eyes widened of you knowing what she was going to ask. "What is it?" he asked curiously in his morning voice again. "Do you have a crush on Y/N?" she said making Y/C giggle, you braced yourself for the worst. "How did you know? Am I that obvious?" he asked as you got a text from your best friend saying 'he's smiling and blushing so much'. You went out her back door and freaked out on the porch. You walked back in.

"Is she there with you right now?!" he asked clearly worried to death. "Maybe." your best friend teased. "Please tell me, oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. " he said freaking out. "She is, but don't worry she likes you back too." your best friend said back to him as you jumped into the frame and smiled. He just laughed and covered his face with his hands.

His face was blood red, he was smiling so much, you could see his collarbone him being shirtless, and he couldn't stop laughing. "Why are you laughing?" you asked him curiously as he looked at you smiled then laughed again. "I can't believe this. You actually like me back?" he asked in a surprised tone. "Yes, ding dong." you said making him laugh again.

"Well, I'm coming over in just a few minutes." he said with a smile. "Why?" you asked him confused. "Because reasons." he said walking over to his closet, you now being able to see all of him. You took your best friend's phone to where you could only see it. He was in his boxers now putting a some pants on. "Why didn't you hang up?" you asked confused. "Because I thought you would like seeing me like this. Just kidding. My FaceTime is messed up and I can't end the call. " he said putting a shirt on.

"Oh okay, bye bye." you said to him as you pretended to hang up. Once you had 'hung up' he started freaking out. "OH MY HOLY GREIFY GOSH. I CAN NOT BELIEVE SHE ACTUALLY LIKES ME BACK." he practically yelled proudly. He started hyperventilating. "Wait. What if she says no to me asking her out, why would she do that? Oh my gosh, I'm so scared. " he panicked running his hands through his hair.

You quickly hung up and covered your face with a pillow. "Now aren't you happy I called him?" your best friend asked with a smirk. "Shut up." you said bringing down the pillow from your face and smiling. "I'll get Y/C to shut you up." she said with a smirk following. You just rolled your eyes and smiled sleepily.

*knock, knock*

You just walked to the door and took in a deep breath. You then unlocked the door, opening it to see a tall, beautiful boy holding a small box in his hand nervously. He bent down on one knee. "Y/N Y/L/N, I've been saving this for you since the first day I met you." he said clenching his hand around the box. He opened the box to reveal a simple but beautiful ring. ⬇️

"So, will you b-be my g-girlfriend, please?" he asked nervously with a smile also red faced

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"So, will you b-be my g-girlfriend, please?" he asked nervously with a smile also red faced. "What do you think?" you said having 'are you serious?' look on your face then hugging him tightly. You both backed away. He stared into your eyes deeply. "Hold out your h-hand." he said stuttering, blushing, and smiling uncontrollably.

You held out your hand and he put the ring on you. "It's beautiful." you said astonished. "Just like you, but I'd have to say that you're 1,000x more beautiful than that." he said with a shy smile and blushing as well. He looked at you while you stared at the ring. You looked up at him and smiled even more making him smile more.

He took his finger and lifted up your chin. You looked him in the eyes as he stared into yours. Your faces slowly started getting closer. You then felt his ruff but warm lips on your cold, soft ones. You could feel the heat coming off of his cheeks and smile he had on his lips. You ran your fingers through his soft hair. You felt his warm arms snake around your torso, pulling you in closer to him. You were now officially at home....

( A/N: Sorry for the short imagine I just needed to update or you all would be mad so.. Hope you liked it!! )

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