BaseBall Game

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( A/N: hope you guys enjoy this story and leave what you think in the comments cause I want to know you're opinion so I can make my stories even better for you all. Come on I know you want to don't be shy. Also my crush plays soccer and not baseball in case you were wondering, it's just most dudes play baseball. )

You were going out of last period when you herd...

"Y/N!" C/N yelled running towards you you stopped as you herd you're name being called by you're crush. You turned around instantly.

"Hey C/N. " you said trying to act causal in front of him. He ran up to you out of breath. "Hey.. I was wondering if you would like to come to my baseball game tonight... I would really like it if you would come. " he asked shyly
You stood there stunned for a second then you replied " OF COURSE! I would love too come. " you said forgetting about trying to act cool.

"Really?!?! Cool the game starts at 6:00  can't wait to see you there!" He said running off out of the school.

You leaned against the lockers smiling like a total goof. You walked to you're house to get ready. But first you called you're best friend and told her what happened and she said she would come over to help you get ready.

You got home and went to you're room. Y/B/F was sitting on you're bed when you went into you're room. "What took you so long?!?!" Y/B/F said worried. "I walked home from school. " you replied. Then you started getting ready.

You wore a white t-shirt with a pocket on the side and high waisted shorts.
You told you're mom that you were going to a baseball game with Y/B/F.
She was ok with that cause she trusted Y/B/F.

You finally arrived at baseball field with you're friend and went to go find seats on the bleachers. You were staring at C/N practicing. You caught his eye. Instead of him waving he smirked and winked at you.

He was up to bat. The pitcher threw the ball to C/N. He missed. "Strike!" Yelled the announcer. He looked so nervous. The pitcher threw the ball agin. He missed agin. "Strike!" The announcer yelled once more. You were on the edge of you're seat. The pitcher threw the ball once more.

C/N hit the ball! "Home run!" Yelled the announcer. The whole crowd stood up and cheered especially you as he ran the bases. His team won the game!

After the game he found you. When everyone left ( including you're best friend ) he went up and hugged you a tingling sensation went off in you're stomach. "Thank you so much for coming to my game. Umm..Y/N can I tell you something?"

"Yes.." You asked suspiciously.
"Umm.. I-i have had a crush on you for God knows how long.. and I was wondering if you would be m-my girlfriend?" He asked very shyly
"Really?!?! Me?!? YESSS!!" You said losing control.

He picked you up and spinned you around making you dizzy. Putting you back down gently.

"Hey do want to come to my house tomorrow?" He said asking eagerly
"Of course I will. " you replied
"Ok. Do you need a ride back home cause it's dark and I noticed you're friend left?" He asked

"Yea. " you replied. He took you home and that was the best night of you're life.

( A/N: Ahh!!! My first imagine guys!! Don't forget to leave you're thoughts in the comments but please nothing hurtful because I will cry my eyes out not even kidding ok byee ✌️)

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