The County Fair

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( A/N: hey guys, the picture above is of me (I'm next to the guy in the neon jacket ) one of my best friends, Paige ( the far left ) my brother ( next to Paige ) and Tanner ❤️ ( next to me ) this was inspired because the county fair was in town this week and this story is based off of it. All of this happened for real. Okay not all of it. )

The county fair was in town and you had nobody to go with you...

( Calling all of your friends and them denying you )

Y/N: "Y/B/F, will you please ride some rides with me please. " you begged on the phone to your best friend because that was the last person that could go with you.

Y/B/F: "Y/N, I'm sorry but I'm with my aunt all week. Hey! Why don't you ask Y/C to go with you?! " she asked because she knew that you had a crush on him.

Y/N: "But he will say no. Plus then he would absolutely know that I have a crush on him and then my social life will be ruined forever. " you sadly because you knew he would say no and then you would go into a depression stage for 5 months. ( this was off the top of my head it was silly so I added it in. )

Y/B/F: "Well do you want me to ask him, cause If you don't I am asking. Him for you. " she said very seriously.

Y/N: "No! Okay, fine I'll ask him. But promise me you won't call him and ask him if I asked him to the fair. Okay? " you asked suspiciously.

Y/B/F: "Okay, fine I won't. But, yay! You are to ask him. Aren't you excited? " she asked concerned.

Y/N: "OF COURSE I AM. I mean like seriously. But I am so nervous. What if he says no? What if he thinks I'm crazy? What if he knows that I have a crush on him? What if..." You said as Y/B/F cut you off.

Y/B/F: "STOP WORRYING! He is going to say yes. " she said.

Y/N: "how do you know? " I asked suspiciously.

Y/B/F: "Umm... I just know. Okay? " she said nervously

Y/N: "Okay... Well any ways have fun at your aunts and wish me luck. Love ya! Bye. " you said to her.

Y/B/F: "Good luck! And love ya too. Bye. " she said hanging up.

Y/B/F's P.O.V. Thoughts

I'm glad I didn't give it away that Y/C has a crush on Y/N. Y/C wants to go with Y/N to the fair but he was scared that she was going to say no, so, he told me to ask her to ask him to the fair so I did. They would be such a cute couple.

Y/N's P.O.V. Thoughts

Come on Y/N you can do this. You pressed the call button on your phone and it started to ring. Your heart was racing like race car fast. He answered.

Y/C: "Hello? " he said with that sweet voice that made your heart melt every time you herd it.

Y/N: "Hey, I was wondering if... Umm.. If you would like to go to the fair this week with me? " I said nervously.

Y/C: **I herd something fall over** "YES I WOULD LOVE TOO!!! " he said well.. Practically screamed.

Y/N: "What happened, I herd something fall. " I said worried.

Y/C: "I may or may not have fallen down. " he said laughing.

Y/N: "Are you okay?!?! " you said more worried than ever.

Y/C: "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. " he said.

Y/N: "Okay, I will meet you at the fire department. " I said.

Y/C: "it's a date. Can't wait to see you. Love you, bye. " he said. You could tell that he was smiling.

Y/N: "Bye. " you said so happy.

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