Request #1

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( A/N: this imagine is for the lovely, colbs12 hope you love it. )

I was at lunch with my best friend, Romariah, she was talking to me about my crush, Danny...

All the sudden, I heard a voice say, "What? I heard my name. ". It was him, his voice, I froze. I turned around slowly. "Oh! We were just talking about... how you did so good in the mile run yesterday in gym. " Romariah  said as I mouthed the words 'thank you' to her.

"No, actually I think you all were talking about something else... " Danny said with a sly smirk on his face, but still blushing as hard as he could. I could tell, he was nervous. "Umm... " you trailed off as you slowly turned back around, expecting my friend to take care of it.

She said nothing. I started to get really nervous. All the sudden, I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my torso, and also a little head rest on my shoulder. It was him, not anyone else but him, I got up from my seat and ran to the hallway and ran into the girls bathroom and locked myself in a stall.

I heard the door open. A voice called out, "Colby, are you in here?" It was his, no one else's but his. Your heart raced at the thought of him actually caring if you were okay. "Maybe, maybe not. Depends. " I said with a smirk, slowly coming out of the stall I was in.

"Let's go in the hallway because, this is really weird. " you both giggled.

Danny's P.O.V. Thoughts

Colby has such a beautiful smile, I thought while she giggled at the joke I made. But, now was the time I had to do it. Once we got in the hallway of our school I turned to her and said, "Umm... may I ask you a question? It's really really really important. "

"Ask away. " she said smiling brightly, I was literally shaking with fear. "Umm... I was wondering if you would maybe b-be my umm... g-girlfriend?" "What?! She said loudly with a huge grin growing upon her face. "YES. YES. YES. 1 million times YES!" She practically screamed.

I hugged her as tight as I could not letting go for a good 2 minutes. She looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back. We both broke apart at the same time. I grabbed her hand and lead her out of the school, because it was time to go home. I walked her home and we watched the titanic. It was absolutely amazing spending the day with her, I'm so happy she mine. ALL MINE.

( A/N: I really really hope you like this because I worked so hard on it. Thank you for requesting, I really appreciate it. It was 474 words. Hope you enjoyed!! )

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