Scool Project

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( A/N: I know it's only been like and hour since I posted my last update but writing these are addicting not even gonna lie. By the way DO NOT forget to leave a comment saying you're opinion on the story. )

You were in science class when the teacher said that...

"Ok students this week and next week we will be working on a project. You're assignment is to write a 50 page essay on the human body. Now I will assign you a partner. " said you're teacher.

"Jimmy and Britney, Cody and Emmaline, Josh and Suzy,
C/N and Y/N, Carter and Peggy. Now you may begin discussing about the essay. " you're teacher said

Before getting up to go to you're partner's desk you thought ' Wow I am actually gonna get to work on a project with C/N. But I know he doesn't like me back. I wish he did. ' before you could get up you're partner a.k.a crush was walking to you with a huge smile plastered across he face. Oh how his smile made you melt every time you saw it.

"Hey!" You said as he walked to you're desk "Hi!" He replied. "So do want to work on the project at you're house or my house?" he asked nervously.

"Umm.. You're house. " you replied instantly. "Great, I will meet you at you're locker after last period. Ok?" He said. "Great. " you replied as the bell rung for you to switch classes.

( time skip )

The bell rung for the end of the school day. You practically ran to you're locker and got everything thing you needed for the project. As you closed the door of you're locker standing behind it was C/N. You jumped then screamed smacking him in the arm playfully.

"Hey what was that for?" C/N asked as he chuckled. "You scared the heck out of me!!" You replied. "Come on let's
go. " he said grabbing you're hand intertwining it with his. You were shocked. "Oh is that not ok?" He asked nervously gently pulling his hand away from yours.

"Oh no! You're ok I was just a little shocked. " you replied. "Oh ok. " he said grabbing you're hand back into his grasp. You guys slowly walked to his house still holding hands. You were listening too Stitches by Shawn Mendes on you're phone.
( A/N: Shawn girls put you're hands up. Sorry but not sorry I am huge Shawn girl not even kidding. No? Ok bye. )
"What are listening to?" Asked C/N out of the blue. "I'm listening to Stitches by Shawn Mendes not to mention he is my idol. " you said.

"Oh yea him. I have herd some of his music and it's pretty good. " he replied
"It's not good.. It's great! Thank you very much!" You said. As he started to laugh. "Why are you laughing at me. " you said with a fake pout. "Because it's funny that you're so sassy when you said that. " he said. "Thank you. " you said. Then you guys laughed for the next five minutes.

You guys finally got to his house. Both of you walked in the door of his house.
"Mom, Y/N and I will be studying in my room if you need us. " C/N said as we were walking up the stairs. "Ok sweetheart. " Mrs.C/N/L yelled.

"So do want to get started on the project?" You asked C/N. "No. Let's do something else. " he said. "Like what?" You asked confused. "This. " before you knew it he was kissing you. After the kiss you just stared at each other for what felt like forever. Then he finally said, "Ya know I've had a crush on you for what.. I don't even know. It's ok if you don't feel the same I understand. " he said. "Wait.. Did you just say that you had a crush on me?" You asked with a huge smile on you're face. "Yes. " he said looking at the ground blushing.

"Wow, I don't even know how to feel about this because.. I have a crush on you too. " you said very shyly
A huge smile grew on his face as you said those words.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with the smile still on his face. "Definitely yes!" You said as you jumped onto him landing in his arms. Him hugging you tightly.

It was one of the best day ever

( A/N: for all the people out there with a dirty mind, get you're head out of the gutter. Ok so don't forget to leave comment saying what you thought about it. Oh and agin with the Shawn Mendes he is my idol and I love him so much. Agh. Oh by the way those names are just some of the top of my head not anyone specific. )

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