On Your Girl Thang

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( A/N: yes, ladies it's THAT TIME OF THE MONTH for me and we all know that it sucks. So I thought writing this would make me feel better. Enjoy! )

It was the last period of class when...

Yes, it was that time of the month for you. You were in class and you got a really bad cramp in your stomach. **raises hand** "May I use the bathroom? " you said anxiously. "Yes, you may. " your teacher said because she that you were on your girl thang.

You got up from your chair and rushed to the bathroom. You got to the bathroom and went inside one of the stalls and did your USUAL THING. But the cramps still not have settled. You went back to the classroom. As soon as you sat down the bell rang. ' thank the lord ' you thought.

You went to your locker and put the stuff that you didn't need in there. You were walking out of the school when someone tapped you on the shoulder. It was Y/C. "Hi. " he said with that beautiful smile.

"Hey. " you said shaking out of your thoughts. "So, I can tell that... You were on your girl thang. " he said shyly. Your checks turned a bright red. "There is no sense of being embarrassed every girl has it. " he said. "Now, I was wondering if you would let me I guess like take care of you? " he said.

"I would love for you too, but warning I am very moody on my girl thang. " you said warning him. "I doesn't matter. I have a sister and, you know. " he said. "Yea, well I'm walking home so, follow me? " you asked him. "Of course. " he said.

You guys got out of the school and started walking on the sidewalk. "I hope you don't mind me asking this but, why are you taking care of me? " you asked suspiciously. "Because I care for you and I can't have my sweetheart feeling bad. " he said with a smile that made you want to faint.

"Oh okay, that makes sense. " you said shaking your head and smiling. You guys got to your house and went to your room. "So, I brought all your favorite movies, junk food, chocolate, and my sweatshirt. " he said. "Sincerely, thank you for doing this, honestly. " you said appreciating what he has done for you.

"Anything for you, sweetie. " he said.
You got your most favorite movie of all time and put it in the DVD player. "I'm going to change. " you said as you picked up a t-shirt and some shorts. You changed and got back into your room. He had the movie about to play and your favorite candies, sweets, and junk foods laid out on your bed.

He quickly got up from your bed and grabbed his sweatshirt and put it over top your head. You got the sweatshirt on and it swallowed you like you expected. "You look so cute in my sweatshirt. " he said honestly. "Thank you? I guess..." You said confused and you both laughed at what you said.

You got on your bed and Y/C pressed play on the DVD player. He got your bed and laid next to you. You looked over at him. He was already looking at you. You both smiled at each other. You took some chocolate chips and put some in your palm and picked them one by one eating them trying not to look like a pig.

"You can as much as you'd like. " Y/C said probably knowing that you were trying not to look like a pig. "Thanks. " you said shoving the thing into your mouth. You two started laughing. The movie was almost over when the romantic part of the movie was on.

You looked over at Y/C and you both just smiled at each other him inching over to you. He then wrapped you up in his arms and kissed you. You could feel his heart beating as fast as the speed of light like yours was. You pulled away.

"Y/N, will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend? " he asked you with a cheeky smile. "Yes. " you said hugging him. Then a cramp shot through your stomach. You grabbed your stomach holding it tightly and letting a tear slip out. Y/C pulled you close to him. "Shh.... Your going tone fine. Shh...." He said trying to calm you down.

"But it hurts. " you said barely managing to get the words out of your mouth. "As long as I'm with you, I'll take care of you. " he said pulling you even closer to him you wrapping your arms around him. Your cramps slightly lightened through the night with him right beside you keeping you safe.

You went to sleep happily with him by your side.

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