Secrets #2

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It was Monday morning. You had woken up to the just so pleasant sound of your alarm clock going off, making you extremely annoyed...

The first thing you did was check your phone, like always. But today, to your surprise you had gotten a text. No ordinary text though, of course, it was from your new boyfriend, C/N.

On Friday of last week he had asked you out and today he sent you a good morning text. It said -

Hi love. I just wanted to tell you that I am so excited that we are now an OFFICIAL couple and we can keep it a secret as long as you'd like. I will see you at school and I can't wait to see you. By the way be expecting more of these. Bye love.

It was so adorable how he called you love, and how he was excited to see you even though it had only been 2 days. You wanted to look okay since he was excited to see, you didn't want to disappoint anyone.

You wore black jeans, a grey shirt, and jean shirt over top of it and some black high top Vans. You also wore your hair in a ponytail but on the back underneath it, there was a French braid.

You looked okay in your personal view of yourself. You texted C/N -

Y/N: Should I wear makeup today??

C/N: You wear makeup?!

Y/N: Occasionally.

C/N: I personally think you look fine without it. 😊

Y/N: Thanks.

You were secretly smiling like an idiot while texting him, knowing he was doing the same. You picked up your backpack and walked out the door. Since you had time, you walked to school.

You put your earbuds in as you walked out the front door, locking the door. You started walking down the sidewalk. Do I wanna know by The Arctic Monkeys was playing. You sung the lyrics while slowly walking down the sidewalk.

"Have you got color in your cheeks?

Do you ever get the fear that you can't

shift the tide that sticks around like

something's in your teeth and some

aces stuck up your sleeve I had no idea

that you're in deep I dreamt about you

nearly every night this week"

You sung. You suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, you screamed. You quickly turned around and saw a familiar face. Of course, it was C/N. You laughed and buried your head in his chest, taking out your earbuds.

"You scared me. " you giggled into his chest and not to mention but his he. "You looked lonely and I'm your- umm.. you know so. Anyways, what were you listening to? You sound beautiful by the way. " he spoke stuttering while complimenting you but yet talking very fast.

"Do I wanna know by The Arctic Monkeys, thanks but no thanks. " you said unhooking your arms from around him and standing beside him and started walking again.

"You actually sounded amazing, I'm not fighting with you over that. " he said smiling while you both talked. His full attention was focused on you. You could tell he was staring at you while walking, but you looked down.

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