Movie night

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It's was movie night. Movie night was the one night a week when your friend's parents would go out on a date and you all had the house to yourselves. So, you guys would call a bunch of your friends, go buy a new movie, make popcorn, and have fun. One thing, this evening instead of it being all girls, there were three guys coming. Not just any people, no, your crush and his friends.

Your girl friends came at 5:00pm while the guys came at 6:00pm to help get each other ready for the night. It was 5:30pm and you decided to start getting ready. First you took your shower. Being unaware of the time, you walked downstairs to get your clothes. You walked down the stairs, wet hair and everything.

"Hey guys, do you know where my-" you said as you realized there were three boys staring at you in the living room. You screamed and closed yourself in the bathroom closest to you. You could hear your friends laughing at you through the door.

"Do you all know where my bag is that has my clothes in it?" you asked through the door. "Y/N, you didn't bring a bag. " one of your friends said back to you. "Well, I need clothes. " you replied to your friends outside the door you panicking inside.

"I'll give you my pajamas, I brought an extra pair. " a very familiar voice said behind the door. It was Y/C. Your heart thumped faster as you thought for a second. "That would work. " you said slightly opening up the door so your head would peak out. "Here. " he said handing you a white t-shirt and red plaid pajama pants. "Thank you so much. " you said taking them out of his hand and quickly shutting the door.

You put on the shirt and it swallowed you whole. You put on the pants and they immediately fell down. You rolled the waist band down to make it tighter. One thing wrong, you could see your bra through it. You decided to not worry about it knowing they won't mind.

You quickly dried your hair and threw it up in a messy bun. You slowly walked out of the bathroom and plopped down on the couch next to Y/C. "Oooo... Y/N, you can see your bra. " one of your friends said sarcastically knowing you were very modest also making Y/C look over at you making you catch him, him blushing deeply and looking away. "I don't care. " you said with a smirk.

"Liar. Y/N you told me yourself that you didn't like wearing white shirts because you can see through them. " your friend said. "It'll be okay. " you said crossing your arms over your chest area. "Are you sure? I have another shirt. " Y/C said getting closer to you. "Yes, I'm fine. " you giving him a soft smile as he did the same.

"Let's start the movie. " you said pushing your best friend up off the couch causing her to laugh. "Y/N and Y/C, go make popcorn. " Y/C's best friend said winking at Y/C him glaring back at his best friend. You both got up and walked into the kitchen. You reached up to where the popcorn was. You couldn't reach it. You hopped up on the counter and sat on your knees getting the popcorn then hopping down.

All the sudden you tripped over something behind you. You screamed but you suddenly felt two arms under you. You opened your eyes to be facing Y/C blushing with a straight face. He gulped. "Are you okay?" he asked standing you up on your feet. "I'm fine, I just got scared. " you replied patting him on the chest making him smile. He put the popcorn in the microwave and waited.

"So..." he started pushing some hair out of your face getting closer to you. "You look so adorable with my clothes on. " he confessed smiling. "Thank you. You don't look to shabby yourself. " you said poking him in the nose making him laugh. He suddenly hugged you really tight picking you up off your feet.

He let go. "I have been... um-uh... meaning to umm... tell you this for a-awhile now and ihaveamagercrushonyouandiwouldliketoknowifyoufeelthesame. I mean, I know you don't but it's worth a t-try. " he spoke stuttering and speaking very fast. Your heart sped up and your eyes became wide as your cheeks burned. "I know you don't, I'm sorry. " he said walking away out of the kitchen when you grabbed his arm.

"I have a meager crush on you too. " you said him only inches apart from him. His eyes went wide as his face turned a bright red. He picked you up and spun you around. "S-So you are m-my girlfriend now?" he said astonished running his hand through his hair. You nodded your head.

He picked you up and carried you into the living room bridal style. "ATTENTION. This beautiful creature is now my girlfriend witch means she's mine. " he said holding you closer to his chest speaking excitedly. "You finally manned up, huh?" one of his friends asked as your friends gasped. "Y/N!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!" one of them yelled as you smiled and laughed. "Thank you. " you replied smiling wider than ever. "I sure did. " he said smiling down at you proudly.

He laid you down gently in your spot and kissed your forehead. "Don't move. " he said going back to the kitchen to get the popcorn. He came back and sat down next to you. He pulled you into his lap facing the tv. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek.

"This is too cute not to take a picture. " your best friend said getting up and taking a picture with Y/C's head peaking up at the top of your head as he squished your cheeks together. "Send that to me. " Y/C said seriously. "Okay, no problem. " your best friend said looking at the picture.

"Let's watch the movie for the love of dragons. " you said. "What are we watching?" Y/C asked. "The whole Harry Potter series. " your friend said plopping in the disc. "YAYY!" you and Y/C screamed in unison. This was going to be fun.

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