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OH MY GOSH. Okay, yesterday in math people were getting picked to answer questions and I was relieved when he didn't pick me so I like gasped and he was staring at me and he smiled but he does that all the time. In social studies we had to do this thing where we had to write down an answer down for something and then compare it with our Europe partner, and just guess who that is?? It's mister perfect. So I turn around and he staring at me with a scared expression. So we walk to the back of the room and he stands like super close to me. He starts off with, "I was so confused." *nervous laughter*. "Me too." I replied. And so we continued out little conversation for a few minutes but he kept stuttering and with a bunch of nervous laughter. But he literally had only 3 words on his paper while I had like a paragraph. So that was fun. But after, we went to our seats and he was blushing so much and he couldn't stop smiling it was absolutely adorable. And for some reason him and I both always end up walking out together and yesterday my brother was walking beside me and he was wearing flip flops but one of them fell off in the middle of the hallway and so he had to go back to where my crush was now standing just watching my brother kind of chuckling after I turned around and said, "annd you lost your shoe, of course."

Annnnnnd today he stared at me a bunch like usual but when he stares at me his eyes get really big and sometimes he smiles or laughs but I don't get that if he does like me which is like a 0.01% chance out of 100% but if he did, why doesn't he just ask for my number or something? You know? He doesn't look at me like he does other girls, it's different. I'll be like laughing because of one of my friends and he will be staring at me smiling and his eyes just have this glow and, it's... sweet. I don't know why I pay attention to stuff like that but it really makes me think though.

Anyways, there are about 4 imagines on the way right now so yay!

~ Emma

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