Rainy days, long days

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You were sitting on your bed watching YouTube when you heard a loud crack of thunder. You sprang up out of your bed and closed the window curtains because you were scared of storms and it helped when you couldn't see them.

You then listened to 'for him.' by Troye Sivan on full blast and danced around in your room. You were interrupted by a text. It was from Y/C. It said -

Y/C: Hi. May I come over for a little while?

Y/N: Sure, why?

Y/C: I want to see you. Plus I know that you are scared of storms so you might want some comfort. 😊

Y/N: Thank you. When will you get here?

Y/C: In just a few minutes. I can't wait to see you. 😁

Y/N: I can't wait to see you too.

He had never told you that he WANTED to see you. He was that shy guy in class, not the type that would say that to you or anyone. You two were close friends but he had never asked to come over.

A knock on your front door interrupted your thoughts. You rushed downstairs and looked in the mirror and fixed your hair. You had a black shirt with a quote from Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi ( picture above ) and black leggings. You had your hair down in its natural wavy form.

You opened the door quickly. "Hi." he said smiling widely at you. "Greetings. " you replied placing a hand on your hip sarcastically. He laughed. "You are adorable. " he said quietly and shyly. "Thanks but no, I'm not. " you replied as his eyebrows frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You said I was adorable. " you replied looking down. "I said that out loud?" he asked with a scared expression. "Yes. " you replied smiling and looking up at him. He laughed nervously.

"Come in. " you insisted acting like that never happened. "So, what do you want to do?" you asked sitting on the couch. "Umm... I'm really hungry. You wanna make snacks?" he asked as his eyes lit up a bit. "Sure. We can look at Pinterest recipes and try to recreate them. It'll be hilarious. " you said laughing.

He smiled. "Sounds great. " he said dragging you into the kitchen. "How about we do this one. " he said pointing to homemade potato chips. "That sounds great. " you said looking up at him as he was slightly smiling at you. "Get potatoes, olive oil, salt, knife, cooking sheet, and a bowl please. " he said giving you a soft smile.

"Okay. " you said getting all the ingredients but the salt. The salt was on the top shelf of the spices cabinet and you couldn't reach them. You stood up on your tip-toes and reached but you couldn't get them. "Here. " Y/C said lifting you up to the top shelf. You quickly grabbed the salt as he put you back down on the ground.

You turned around to sit the salt on the counter but he was still behind just staring at you. "... Thank you. " you said smiling up at him. "You're welcome. " he said like he was snapping out of a daze. You smiled slightly as he did the same back to you. "Oh, I'm in your way. I'm sorry. " he said moving aside. "It's fine. " you said walking up to the counter.

You smiled quickly to yourself before turning to Y/C and asking what the directions were. "First, cut the potatoes in thin slices. " he said handing you a knife. You tried chopping the potatoes but kept messing up. You felt him behind you and he helped slice the potato. "Better?" he asked practically doing everything. "Mhm. " you said since you couldn't even mumble out words because you were so scared. He had never been this close to you before.

Once you had finished cutting all the potatoes, it was time to put the olive oil and salt on them in a bowl and tossed them. Then put them in the oven. ( romantic right? I'm being sarcastic ) "Now we wait. " he said turning you around to face him. He looked at you with big eyes. "What?" you asked staring into his eyes deeply. "Umm... *gulp* sorry. " he said looking down.

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