Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

I pulled into the school parking lot and parked in my usual spot in the far back corner of the lot. I don't know why I choose to park there. I guess it's just far away from everyone else. I just don't want anyone to hurt me until I get in the school...

I already know they are going to beat me up because they will see my bruises on my face.

I looked over at Harry who was looking down at his blank phone screen. He was pretending he was texting. But I knew he wasn't. He looked scared.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked Harry.

Harry was silent... I feel so bad...

"Harry?" I put my hand on his thigh. I gently moved my thumb back and forth.

Harry looked at me and blushed. "Uh yeah I'm fine. I just didn't get any sleep last night. That's all." He put his hand on the door handle.

I took my hand off of his thigh. I then opened my door and stepped out. "We should get going inside." I frowned.

Harry nodded and got out too. We started to walk towards the school. I turned to Harry. "You have first period and second period with me. So I'll make sure you will sit next to me. I promise."I smiled.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

Harry blushed and said "thanks Louis it means a lot. Really..."

I squeezed his shoulder and let go.

I knew he needed me to be with him. So that's what I will do...

Harry nodded. "Hey Lou?" He looked at me. God only he could say my name like that. When ever he said my name like that... I got butterflies... Shit no I can't like Harry. He's my step-brother for God sakes. "Thanks for everything. It really means so much to me."

We were right in front of the school doors... We both seemed to take a deep breath at the same time.

Well here we go... I don't want Harry to know I'm gay. He will hate me. But he's going to find out...

I opened the school doors and walked in. Harry followed close behind me.

We quickly moved through the crowds of people. Harry stood really close to me.

Harry seemed... Scared? No... More worried than anything. Aw poor thing. I feel bad.

We were almost to our first period class room when Ed stopped us.


Ed was the most popular guy in our whole high school. He always beat me up and called me a fag... And a freak...

Well here goes nothing. I'm sorry Harry. Sorry you have to find out like this.

"Hey faggot." He pushed my shoulder. "Who's this your new boyfriend?"

Harry looked at me with a confused look.

"You know I'm happy. I have more fags to beat up now." Ed looked at me with an evil smirk.

"Hey who the hell are you to call Louis that." Harry said angrily. Pushing Ed.

"Why the fuck do you care faggot." Ed said pushing Harry back.

My Hot Stepbrother (L.S.)Where stories live. Discover now