Chapter 30

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Harry's POV

Fuck! My head is killing me. Why do I have such a terrible headache? Did I drink last night or something? I don't remember drinking... Now that I think about it I don't remember anything from yesterday.

I turned over to see Louis sleeping so peacefully. I went to go put my hand on his back when I remembered what accident happened yesterday morning.

Louis must be so upset! I don't know how to explain to him what happened without sounding like I'm lying to him. I didn't cheat on him! I could never do something like that! Especially with Stan!

I slowly lifted the sheets and got out of bed. I didn't want Louis to wake up. I want him to not think about what happened yesterday as long as he can.

Seriously what the hell happened yesterday to me!? My head is pounding! I don't remember anything after lunch. I don't even know when Louis got home last night!

Wait... I'm wearing the clothes I wore yesterday. I don't sleep with clothes on! Yeah something isn't right. I really need to know what happened last night.

I looked around the bedroom to see if I put my phone anywhere. Weird... it's not anywhere in here. Now that I think about it something I remembered last night was asking Stan to grab my phone for me.

I slowly closed the bedroom door and walked down the hall to Stan's room. I opened the door to see him sleeping in the bed. Oh how nice! Why does he get to sleep so calmly after how much we must have drank!

I walked over to the bed to wake him when I realized that my phone was on the night stand.

Why the hell is my phone in here? I picked up the phone to see if I could remember anything else from yesterday. I went to look at my calls. Weird I only called Louis that one time. I don't have any texts from the guys or anything. That doesn't seem like me. I would probably have checked up like every hour.

Harry stop freaking out. You and Stan probably just got drunk or something last night. I mean we used to get drunk together all the time when we were friends.

"Stan wake up." I shook him. "Helloooo." I shook him harder.

"Yes Harry?" Stan yawned.

I rolled my eyes. "Get up we need to talk." I crossed my arms and walked out of the bedroom.

I sat down on the couch downstairs waiting for Stan to get up. I looked up from my hands and looked at the telly. We really need to buy a new one. I can't believe I lost my temper like that!

Stan was putting on a shirt as he was walking down the stairs. "What needs to be talked about?" He sat down on the couch next to me.

I rubbed my eyes cause my head was still pounding. "I have the worst headache ever. I can't remember anything from last night." I looked over at him and he had a blank expression on his face. He looked in shock. "What happened? Did we drink or something?"

Stan immediately answered, "Yes!" He looked like something was very wrong.

"Uh to what?" I crossed my arms.

"Yes we drank so much last night!" He laughed, "I'm surprised you're up so early on a Saturday! Especially with such a horrible hangover and with everything that we did last night." He put his hand on my thigh. "I mean you don't remember anything?" He squeezed my thigh.

I smacked his hand and jumped off the couch. "There is no way I could get that fucked up todo anything with you! Especially what you're getting at!"

"But you don't remember how I made you feel. You were begging me to fuck you." Stan stood up from the couch and was in front of me at this point. He pushed his body against mine. I was so uncomfortable. I tried to pull away but he had his arms wrapped around me.

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