Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

*Alarm goes off*

I reached over Louis to shut off the alarm, he was still sleeping.

I gently climbed over him and got out of bed. I searched through all of the clothes piled up on the floor. Man I really need to do laundry.

Once I found some clothes, I went to the bathroom to shower. I just now realized that I never put boxers on before I left the bedroom. Oops... I hope Stan didn't see me.

I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. I squirted some shampoo into my hair. I couldn't help but smile thinking about Louis.

Sometimes when I shower I sing to myself. Is that normal? Eh maybe I'm weird. It makes me feel safe. Fuck it no one will hear me. "Nobody loves you baby the way I do." I grabbed the soap and squeezed some in my hand. "It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe we're firepr-"

"Wow Harry you have a beautiful voice."

Why the hell is Stan in here!? "What the hell Stan! Get out of here I'm showering!"

"Oh I'm sorry I was just taking a leak. My bad I'll get out as soon as I'm done."

"Oh my god! No you need to get out now!" There is literally a bathroom right downstairs! "Sorry but the only person who is allowed in the bathroom with me is Louis!"

Stan laughed. "Oh come on it's not like I'm going to peak in or anything."

Um... Excuse me?

*Knock* *Knock*

"Haz are you almost done? Or is there  time for me to jump in with you?" Louis yelled. He was obviously yelling through the door so I could hear him over the water.

I yelled back at him, "Yeah you can co-"

"I'll be out in a second Louis don't worry." Stan interrupted me.

"What...." Louis' voice cracked.

Louis' POV

I opened my eyes to see Harry not in the bed with me. Maybe he's making me some breakfast. That would be so sweet of him. My dreams of pancakes quickly shattered when I heard the sound of the shower running. Ugh I guess I'm not getting breakfast just yet.

I sat up in bed and lifted my arms above my head. I then got a very terrible smell. Oh god do I really smell that bad? Well I guess I could just jump in the shower with Harry. He'll definitely enjoy that. If you know what I mean.

I jumped out of bed in excitement and grabbed just a random shirt and pants from the floor and almost skipped out of the bedroom. I made it to the room that Stan was staying. The door was opened so I peaked inside just to say good morning. I can be nice sometimes. Stan wasn't in the bedroom. Interesting...

I made it to the bathroom door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Haz are you almost done? Or is there time for me to jump in with you?" I yelled cause obviously it would be hard for Harry to hear me over the running water.

Harry yelled back at me, "Yeah you can co-"

"I'll be out in a second Louis don't worry" Stan said.

"What..." my voice cracked. I dropped to my knees. Is Harry cheating on me with Stan. I knew I wasn't good enough for him.

"Louis it's not what you think!" Harry started to say. Of course it is. I'm not good enough for him. I don't deserve something so perfect.

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