Chapter 36

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Louis' POV

4:00 am.

Harry and I were laying on the couch while the other lads were sleeping on the floor. I smiled thinking about how we used todo this as kids. The three of them would always be on the floor because I would always take the couch. When we first started hanging out as young kids they would always try to fight for the couch but they learned pretty quickly that I always got the couch. I chuckled at the thought.

Harry was currently sleeping on my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair. He's sleeping so peacefully right now. I wish we could stay like this forever. I wish this was our reality but no, our reality is constantly being in fear.

Suddenly I got snapped out of my thoughts as Harry shifted in his sleep and grabbed onto my wrist. My eyes went wide, he noticed! You stupid idiot! I waited a couple seconds staying as still as possible to make sure that he was still asleep. Once I knew he was asleep I slowly untangled his fingers from my bandaged wrist. Luckily I still had my jumper on so he wasn't directly touching the bandages.

That was way too close! You're such an idiot! I was starting to get really angry. The numbing feeling was coming back. I think it would be best if I was alone right now. If I'm being honest with myself I'm worried that I'm going to hurt Harry and the lads.

I slowly moved Harry off of my chest and placed him gently on the couch. He grumped a bit as I moved him. "Lou where are you going." Shit I woke him. You stupid idiot! You're going to get caught!

I let out a sigh as I kneeled down so I was directly in front of him. "I can't sleep, so I'm going to go outside and sit on the dock. Don't worry about me love." I chuckled a bit as I kissed his cheek. Please Harry go back to sleep.

He let out a yawn as he spoke, "Okay Lou, let me know if you want company." He then turned away from me and curled in a ball. I smiled just looking at how adorable he was.

Before I went outside I headed to Zayn and Liam's room. I mean it had to be pretty obvious what I was looking for. I searched through Zayn's bag till I found his stash of weed. I quickly put it in my pocket and headed back into the living room. I almost made it to the front door when I realize Zayn was standing in front of it. Shit! Don't be an idiot! Make up an excuse! That's what you're good at, lying!

Zayn was blocking the door with his arm. He whispered so he wouldn't wake the lads. "Why did you just go in mine and Liam's room?" He didn't look mad which was a good thing. I really didn't feeling like fighting right now.

"W-well I was uh looking fo-" Zayn cut me off. You stutter too much! You're so pathetic! I quickly squeezed my wrist again knowing that the pain stops me from listening to myself.

"It's okay Louis I know what you were grabbing." He reached his hand out. "No one can roll a joint like I can." I smiled a bit as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the bag. "Here let's head outside okay. We should let the other lads sleep. Yeah?" I nodded as I followed Zayn quietly outside. We made our way to the edge of the dock and sat down. "Do you want your own or do you just want to share one." Zayn said as he unzipped the bag and started to roll a joint.

God I honestly need to forget everything right now. "I'll take my own please, thanks man." I was looking straight ahead at the lake. I really wanted to be alone right now but it's okay cause it's Zayn, he's my closest friend. Liam and Niall are my best friends too, it's just that Zayn has been there for me like no one else. That is until Harry came around but Zayn still is always there for me no matter what.

"Hey that's fine! You don't have to thank me Lou." He handed me a perfectly rolled joint. I was actually in awe to how perfectly rolled it was. I started to laugh, it was actually a genuine laugh. Zayn looked over at me with a smile on his face. "What's got you laughing?"

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