Chapter 41

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Harry's POV

"Please call me if you need anything." Mum said as she hugged me goodbye. "I'm not really a fan of you guys driving all the way out there to talk to your father." I pulled away from the hug and took the suitcase from Louis.

"We will be okay Annie, I'll be right by his side the whole time." I blushed a bit to how calming Louis was speaking. Mum got teary eyed as she hugged Louis.

When they pulled away from the hug Mum smiled at us. "My boys, I'm so proud of you two." I opened the front door and held my hand out for Louis to grab it.

He pretty much skipped over to me as he intertwined our fingers. "We will keep you updated, love you Mum." We waved bye to her and walked out the front door.

"Are you sure about this love? We don't have to go." Louis looked at me as he closed the door to his car. He thought it would be for the best that he drove to my father's house.

"Yeah, I really need to get this over with. I'm not going to live my life knowing that my father thinks I'm a freak." I reached over and squeezed his thigh. "I want him to be happy for me." I'm just hoping after today my father will love me for who I am. Who cares if I'm gay, if I'm happy that's all that should matter!

"Well we better get going then, it's a two hour drive." He turned the car on and backed out of the driveway. By the time we get to my father's house it will be almost noon. Hopefully we won't have to drive all the way home tonight, we could just get a hotel room or something. 

I nodded in response then i smirked thinking about staying in a hotel room with Louis. "Hey Lou, we should get a really nice hotel room tonight." I still had my hand on his thigh. I moved my hand just slightly higher.

Louis quickly looked down at my hand then back at the road. "Oh yeah? Is there something you have in mind that we could do?"

I bit my lip thinking about the things I could do it him tonight. "I've got a couple things in mind. We could take a nice hot bath in a jacuzzi or we could go swim in the hotel pool." I looked down at my hand on his thigh. I moved my hand so it was on his crotch. He was about to respond but I gently squeezed him through his sweats. "God I can't wait for tonight." Louis hummed in agreement as I felt him start to get hard.


Louis' POV

"Just turn right up here." Harry said nervously, we were close to arriving at his fathers house. I looked over at Harry biting his nails.

"Haz we don't have todo this. I know we're about to be there but if you want to turn around we can." I would never want to do something that he's not comfortable with.

"No Lou, I need todo this." He was looking out the window. He then pointed to a huge house on the left. "Well I guess we are here." I nodded in agreement and let out a sigh as I pulled into the drive way. 

I turned off the car, we sat in silence for a couple minutes. If anything goes wrong we're going to leave or it might get ugly. Harry doesn't deserve hate from his father. I looked over at him, he was staring blankly into his lap. I finally broke the since, "If at any point you want to leave just squeezed my hand really hard and we will go." 

Harry looked up from his lap and slightly smiled. "Thank you Lou, this really means a lot that you are here." He means everything to me... I just want Harry to be happy and if seeing his father is what he needs, then so be it.

I leaned over and cupped his face. "Harry I love you so much." I then leaned in and kissed him deeply. I pulled away for a second, "I just want you to be happy Hazza."

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