Chapter 37

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Louis' POV

We were driving through the small town trying to find the restaurant the guys decided on. The population of this place could have been no more than five hundred. Knowing that very few people knew about this place is actually really comforting to me. It was about a twenty minute drive to get into town. I didn't really realize how far away the cottage is from everything. It's actually perfect, it's literally the perfect get away.

Harry insisted on driving us cause he knows the area pretty well. I looked over at him, he seemed deep in thought. "Everything alright love?" I placed my hand on his thigh. He didn't respond so I moved my hand up and squeezed his upper inner thigh.

That definitely got a reaction from him cause he looked over at me quickly and smirked. "Yes Lou I'm fine. I'm just trying to remember where the diner is." Thank god... I really didn't want him to be thinking about how I've been acting lately. Obviously he's noticed, I flipped out on him! I said he was only my stepbrother... I really regret saying that.

Niall let out a dramatic gasp, "you don't know where the diner is!? How are we going to eat then?" He was looking out the window trying to find the restaurant. "I'm staving Harry! I'm not going to last much longer." Liam rolled his eyes and held Niall still by gripping onto his shoulder. Niall immediately stopped freaking out. "I'm just playing around." Oh Niall, food always comes first.

"Niall you're too much sometimes. It's just been a few years since I've been here." Harry said as we pulled into a parking lot. "But don't worry because we're here." He said as he turned off the car.

We all got out of the car and headed into the diner. The place had a very rustic cabin like look to it. I've always loved that type of style. Once we were inside we waited to be seated. It didn't take long before a server came over to us. "Is it just the five of you today?" The server was a woman probably around forty or fifty, she seems really sweet.

I looked to everyone trying to be funny. "Hmm yeah that seems right." I got a smack in the back of the head by Liam from my response. He's such a dad I swear!

The server laughed as she spoke,"Alright if you boys would follow m-" her eyes went wide.  "Oh my god! Is that you Harry!? I didn't even recognize you! You've grown up so much!" She ran over and gave him a tight hug.

"I knew that was you Mary! How have you been?" Harry had a huge smile on his face as he hugged her back. I smiled too knowing that Harry had good memories from this place.

Mary looked over to the rest of us and smiled. "So are these your friends? You used to be really quiet when you were little. I'm happy you finally broke out of your shell." Harry was quiet when he was little?

Harry smiled widely as he looked at Zayn, Niall, and Liam. "These three over here are my closest friends I've ever had." He then looked over at me and intertwined our fingers. "And this is Louis, he means everything to me." My heart started to beat out of my chest. I looked down and smiled widely.

Mary's eyes started to form tears, "oh Harry, I'm so proud of you! I'm happy you didn't listen to your father." My head shot up as she said that. I knew that Harry's father was an asshole but what did he used to say to him?

Harry looked really uncomfortable so I spoke for him. "It's really lovely to meet you Mary! But my friend over here." I pointed to Niall who was already looking at a menu. "He's going to starve to death." Niall shot his head up and nodded in agreement. I shook my head and smiled.

Mary let out a laugh and she motioned for us to follow her to a booth. "Of course you guys are hungry!" Harry and I sat on one side of the booth while Zayn and Liam sat on the other side. Mary grabbed a chair for Niall so he could sit at the end of the booth. She handed the rest of us menus. "Take your time deciding on what you boys want cause the meal is on the house!" Wow! Harry must really mean a lot to Mary.

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