Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

I woke up to Louis looking down at me. He had heavy eyes like he just woke up from a nap.

I then looked over at the clock, it was 1:15. Wow the day has just started.

Louis spoke up, "hey love? Since we have the day off what do you want to do?" He looked at me with a smile. "We could go to lunch or we could stay home and watch the telly... Whatever you want to do it fine."

Ugh I hate making decisions. I get really nervous.

"How about we go pick up some food from McDonald's and then come back here and watch the telly." I don't know it's an idea. I said I'm not good at making decisions.

Louis paused for a second. Oh shit was that wrong to say? But then he started to laugh. "Sure! We can do that." He smiled.

He than some what pushed me off of him and ran to his dresser.

"Wow someone is excited to get McDonald's." I leaned on my elbows looking at him.

Louis stopped and looked down at the floor and blushed. "Oh... I'm sorry, I just love their burgers. Also we need to get out of the house cause we are out of food and I'm starving."

Aw how cute is he.

I stretched and got out of bed. I looked down at the floor and saw a pair of my boxers. I slipped them on.

"Hey love I'm going to go to the bathroom and shower." I said as I left the room and went to the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and looked in the bathroom mirror. Ugh my hair is so greasy.

I dropped my boxers and turned on the shower. Once the water was the perfect temperature I stepped in the shower.


I had the towel around my waist as I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

I wonder why Louis hates mint toothpaste so much. It's not that bad... Is it?

Just as I was done in the bathroom I herd Louis scream in pain. Oh god! I ran out of the bathroom to go find Louis. I ran to where the screams were coming from.

I finally found Louis... He was in my room... Troy is in that room... Oh god... The sight in front of me...

Troy was on top of Louis on the floor, pinning him. There was also a tray of breakfast foods next to them spilled on the floor.

Louis' POV

I was searching through my dresser to find some sweats.

"Hey love I'm going to go to the bathroom and shower." Harry said as he left the room.

"Okay." I said to myself knowing Harry wouldn't hear me.

I pulled out some grey sweat pants and a green pull over. I slipped them on.

Oh shit! I haven't fed Troy today. Well I could careless if he wasn't my father. Also if there is a dead body in the house I would go to jail.

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