Chapter 39

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Harry's POV

Today was Sunday, which sadly meant that we had to head back to Doncaster tonight. Over this weekend I've been thinking, when Lou and I graduate we're moving up here. No one will ever bother us up here, Louis will be safe. I would love to see if my father would let us live at the cottage, but I really don't want to have to interact with him again.

I tensed up at the thought of having to see my father again. Yes, he's not as bad as Troy but he still really hurt me. I wish I could have stood up to my father years ago, telling him who I truly was. I know now that I was always gay. My father forced into my head that I had to be straight, just because he's homophobic!

Louis must have noticed my body tense up. "Everything alright love?" His voice was really raspy from just waking up. I ran my fingers through his hair. Louis let out a soft hum as he continued. "Do you want to talk about it?" Honestly yes! I really do.

"Can we? Please?" My voice sounded all shaky. I really feel like I need to get this off my chest.

Louis quickly got off me and out of bed. "Hey let's talk about it outside. It's a beautiful morning." He threw on a jumper and a pair of short. "I'm going to make some tea." He then left the bedroom.

Once I was finished up in the bathroom I headed into the kitchen to see everyone sitting at the dinning table eating breakfast. Zayn and Louis were having a quiet conversation, it seemed pretty serious. Louis noticed me and immediately stopped talking. Zayn hadn't seemed to have noticed me yet and spoke, "let me know if it starts to happen again." When what happens again?

Louis nudged Zayn and gave him a stern look which made him stop talking. He then looked over at me and smiled, "are you hungry Haz?"

I shook my head and frowned a bit, "I'll just have some tea." What is going on with the two of them? Maybe after I get this off my chest I could ask Lou about Zayn.

Once our tea was done, the two of us headed outside. Lou and I made our way to the end of the dock and sat down. "I'm really going to miss this place." He said as he looked down at his cup of tea.

I smiled widely as I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him close to me. "I'm really happy you said that!" He looked up from his tea and looked at me confused. "We're going to move up here after we graduate, I promise you that."

Louis' eyes went wide and he smiled. "You would do that for me?" His eyes started to get watery.

I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Of course Lou, I would do anything for you." I wish he would understand that I would literally die for him.

Louis' smile quickly faded, "how will we afford to live up here? We don't have any money." He looked away from me as he took a sip of his tea. Once he was done drinking his tea he placed the cup down and mumbled to himself, "I don't deserve something as amazing as that." I don't think he realized that I heard what he said.

"Louis" I placed two of my fingers on his chin and turned his face so he was looking at me. "You deserve the world, please don't say things like that. We will make it work I promise! I'll get a full time job at the diner. I'm sure that Mary would love to have me work there." I'll do what ever I can to make sure Louis feels safe and happy. Louis had a small smile on his lips. "Also I'm going to find a way for my father to give me this cottage."

"Speaking of Mary, I uh o-over heard her say something to you at the diner. I know it's a sensitive topic b-but what did your father used to do to you." I could tell that Louis felt bad for asking but I honestly would ask him if it was him in that situation.

I looked down at the water and kicked it. "Oh, you heard that's huh?" I looked at Louis who only nodded. "Well my father forced me to be straight." I looked down at my hands. "That's why I kept telling you that I was straight when we first met. I was afraid to be myself."

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