Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

Day 1

I put my bag and Louis' pillow in the back of my fathers car.

I was debating on running back in the house to grab Louis and bring him with me. But I couldn't do that...

I sighed and shut the trunk of the car. I slowly walked to the passenger door. I opened the door and climbed in.

My father looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I had a questioning look on my face. "What?"

"Seatbelt please... You should know by now that you need to wear your seatbelt in the front seat at all times." He was shaking his head.

"Oops!" I quickly strapped myself in.

My father nodded and smiled. He than started up the car and pulled out of the drive way. As we pulled out of the drive way I looked up at Louis' bedroom window. The shade was lifted back and Louis was looking out of it. He was looking down at me. It looked like he had tears running down his face. His hand was pressed against the window and in his other hand he was holding onto my pillow very tight.

I signaled an I love you to him. He sent me when back.

I could tell that things would not go well this week for my Louis... School, Ed, and Troy. I'm so so sorry Louis.


Since the ride from Doncaster to my father's house was almost two hours away it was a very long car ride.

The whole car ride has been silent. No music was play just silents. The only sound that could be herd was the quiet noises coming from the car.

My dad finally felt the need to talk. "So! Harry. How are you doing at your new home?"

I hope this isn't going where I think it is.

I gave a nervous smile. "It's going good. I made some new friends at my new school."I was trying to stay away from the subject of Louis.

Wow I just noticed Louis and I have missed so much school... Like A week. Luckily it was Saturday so we didn't have school anyways.

"That's nice, that's very nice..." He paused then spoke again. "So. How's your home life."

"Oh! It's great. Troy, Mum's new husband, is very nice." I almost felt like I was going to throw up to the thought of Troy being nice. He is so abusive!

He nodded his head. "And who's this Louis? You haven't talked about him yet."

Yup this is what I was trying to avoid.

"Oh Louis... He's my step-brother..." I looked down at my hands so my dad couldn't make eye contact with me.

"Oh he is? And what this I hear he's your boyfriend too?" I looked over at him in the corner of my eye. He was grabbing the wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white.

"Uh um..." I cleared my throat. "Y-yeah he's my boyfriend." My hands became very sweaty.

"Oh! Is that's so? So your telling me that my son... Is gay!? A fagot!? Oh and the boy he's dating is his step-brother too! That is just disgusting! Not only are you gay! But your dating your step-brother!" My father was now full on yelling at me.

Louis' POV

Its been little more than two hours since Harry has left...

I feel so...

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