Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

We held hands as we walked out of the classroom. I could tell that Louis was very nervous that we would see Ed. He was holding my hand really tight.

I looked at him and rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand. "Lou it's going to be okay I'm here no one is going to hurt you."

Louis looked at me like he was about to cry. "I don't want to keep hurting."   A single tear ran down his right cheek.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Baby it's going to be okay. I know." I then wiped away the tear from his soft cheek.

Louis just nodded.

We turned a corner in the hallway to a hallway filled with people. Niall saw us from with in the crowd. He ran over to us.

"Hey guys!" Niall said out of breath

"Hey Niall. Everything okay?" Louis said.

Niall had a scared expression, "No! Ed's looking for you Louis."

"What?!" Louis froze in his place. "Harry please..." He looked up at me. "I can't take this anymore. I'm so weak."

My poor Lou...

I let go of Louis' hand. "I can't take this anymore! This ends now!" I had rage flowing through my vines. "Where is he!"

Niall looked speechless but all he did was point. I looked in the direction he was pointing. Ed was laughing with his group of pests. He looks so fucking retarded.

I walked towards them. Rage was filling through my veins. I felt like I would kill someone.

I got close enough for Ed to notice that I was going to towards them. "Woah, Harry what the hell happened to you? Your hairs gone. You look like absolute shit." Ed laughed to his friends.

I totally ignored what he said and spoke. "What the fuck do you want with Louis! Haven't you have enough? Why the fuck do you have to keep hurting him!" I was clenching my fists.

Ed moved forward towards me, his friends were all behind him. "Oh you really want to know why I pick on your little faggot of a boyfriend?" He had a huge smirk on his face. God I'm trying my hardest not to kill him right now.

"Oh please tell me Ed. I dare you!" Stay calm Harry. For Louis' sake.

Ed just laughed. "Oh well where do I start." He looked up to pretend to think. Like if he fucking can. "Oh I got it, well first off he's so pathetic and weak. Also he's a fucking gay faggot."

I got right up in his face. "You know what Ed! He's stronger than all of us combined! It's hell for him! Give him a fucking break Ed!"

Ed push me a little bit. "Get off of me you naughty fag!"

That all it took...

I snapped. I clenched my fist and collided it with Ed's nose. He fell back on the ground. I walked over to him as he whimpered in pain holding his nose. I kicked him in the stomach really hard once.

His friends looked at me with flames in there eyes. "What's wrong with you gay boy!" One of his friends said.

This made me laugh a bit. "Oh nothing anymore. I think Ed now learned his lesson to not fuck with Louis." I looked down at Ed. "Isn't that right?"

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