Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

Louis was getting ready in the bathroom for the dinner we were going to go to soon.

Anne is really excited about going. Me on the other hand I've got a wicked headache.


It's a really fancy restaurant. This made me really happy for three reasons.

One, the food at this restaurant is really fucking good.

Two, Troy will have to be on his best behavior cause it's a fancy restaurant... You have to be a gentleman. That means that Troy can't yell at us or hurt us.

Lastly three, I just love wearing fancy clothing, I secretly had so much fancy clothes in this one huge box that I still haven't been able to empty. Cause.. You know all the craziness that has happened this week.

The thing is I've only been here for almost two weeks and I have came so far.

I've found the love of my life.
I've stood up for myself.
I came out.
Im actually almost fully happy.
I've had the best night of my life.
Now my mum is back with me.

I smiled to myself as I picked out the shirt I wanted to wear and the boot I wanted. I have over 10 pairs of boots. I'm impressed Louis hasn't complained about how many I have yet.

Speaking of Louis... I can't get my mind off of what happened earlier today in the shower. I've never felt like that before. Am I ready for all of that? But... I've only known Louis for a short time. I don't want to rush us. I'll talk to him about it...

Louis came into my bed room. I spoke to soon. Louis looked down at how neatly all of my boots were. Louis let a loud laugh.

"Harry, you're such a woman. You have so many pairs of boots. Also they are all lined up by the color they are."

I crossed my arms and pouted. But then a thought popped into my head.

I grabbed Louis with my right arm and pulled him into me. Louis let out a quick gasps. I then kissed him firmly. Louis wrapped his arms around my neck and was now on his tip toes to try and match my height. But failed. It was still cute though.

I pulled away. "Now who's the woman?" I winked at him and walked over to grab a pair of trousers.

Louis let out feminine moan and left the room.


After I was done fixing myself up I headed to Louis' room to see how he was doing.

I was right outside the door way. The door was closed. He must be changing.

I turned the door knob quietly and slowly.

I peeped my head inside of the room. My jaw dropped.

What I saw in front of me was Louis jerking himself off on his bed . He was biting his lip to keep in the moans that he was causing himself. His hand was firmly wrapped around himself.

Holy fuck... This is so fucking hot

I could feel myself getting extremely hard. I want Louis so bad. Especially like this.

Should I go over to him? Or should I just leave...

I stepped fully inside the room and closed the door. I remembered to lock it. Just to make sure no one comes in... Or disturbs us...

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