Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I clicked call, it was taking a little while for Louis to answer. I hope he's okay. Four rings later he finally answered.


Louis' ceiling popped up on my phone screen. Why wasn't Louis showing his face? "Hi Lou!" I smiled widely at Louis' ceiling, cause Louis obviously wasn't in the shot.

There was a small silents before he spoke. "Hey Harry." He then let out a very heavy sigh.

I sat up straighter on my bed and I had a very concerned look on my face. "Louis are you okay!?" I was now totally freaking out. "W-why aren't you showing me your face!?" I was now almost in a full on panic attack. He picked up the phone and showed his face. He had a jumper on with the hood up, most of his face wasn't showing. "There see now I can see you." I was trying so hard. Why wasn't he showing his full face!?

Louis sighed and looked away, he then placed his phone back on the ground. There was a bit of rustling. What the hell is going on!? "One second Harry, can I call you back?"

What!? I just tried my best to smile. "Sure baby, I love you." I was totally faking the smile.

"I love you bye." He hung up before I could say bye back.

Louis' POV

I hung up the phone and threw my phone on my bed. I stood up and walked out of my bedroom and went into the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and locked it.

I actually have no idea how bad my face looked just yet. I'm kind of nervous. I don't want Harry to see it.

I took a deep breath and looked at the mirror.


I had a huge bruise right on my cheek and jaw. I also had one right on my eye.

Great. Absolutely fucking great. How the hell am I supposed to cover this up!

I started to panic. I was pulling my hair trying to think of ideas todo to get rid of these fucking bruises.

I sat on the bathroom floor in tears. What am I going todo? If Harry sees he's going to panic and steal his dad's car and rush over here. I don't want him to come here I want him to spend time with his dad.

I quickly came up with an idea! Annie has makeup. I quickly went and looked in Annie's makeup drawer.


I grabbed the foundation and squirted some on two of my finger. I rubbed the foundation on my cheek and jaw. I then blended it with my fingers.

Huh! It actually worked.

I could only see it a little bit now. I then put some more on my fingers and did the same to the one on my eye.

I put the foundation back and pulled out some powder and lightly put it on my bruises.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Oh my god! It actually fucking work! I can't see it at all!

I was now feeling so smart and bold. I spun in a circle and literally squealed to myself.

Since I was in the bathroom I fixed up my hair and then walked out of the bathroom.

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