Chapter 7

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Louis' POV

I woke up the next morning with Harry in my arms.

Who would have known I was the big spoon. I am so much smaller then Harry.

But I like how Harry is the little spoon. It is really cute actually.

I never wanted to leave but we had school.

Great...another beating around the corner...

I looked down at Harry and saw that he was still asleep.

I can't believe I told him I loved him. And he said he loved me back. I thought he was mad that I liked him. Well I guess not.

He looked so perfect. How could Troy almost rape this beautiful boy.

I poked Harry in the forehead. "Pssst Harry we need to get up. We have school."

Harry fluttered his eyes lashes and looked up at me. He yawned.

He smiled "Good morning love."

I blushed, "morning Hazza."

Harry giggled and kissed my nose. "Hey Louis. I was uh wondering if you wanted to skip today and go on a..." He paused and cleared his throat. "Uh um would you like to go on a date with me." He blushed.

I've never been on a date with anyone. I only dated one person in my life. Someone dared them to date me...


I was holding Sam's hand down the hall way. I stopped walking and pulled him aside. I looked up at him. I was so scared to tell him. "I love you Sam. You are the most amazing guy in the whole world."

Sam look at me for a second. He had a smile on his face. But something seemed off.

Sam started to laugh. "Oh my god Louis you are such a fag! I never loved you. And for god sakes I only dated you because it was a dare." He just kept laughing and he walked away.

I was all alone. The whole school was laughing at me.

*End of flashback*

I really hate everyone in my school. They are all jackasses. Well except Liam, Zayn and Niall. They are such great friends.

They must miss me and Harry. We weren't there yesterday.

I wonder what we missed. Probably nothing except a beating.

"So uh do you want to?" Harry snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I would love to Harry! But we can't skip school... We already missed a day. And what about after school. I mean I don't want to come back here. So I'll meet you at my car after school and we can go eat somewhere or something."

Harry just blushed and had a huge smile on his face. "Okay Lou."

"Okay we should get ready for school." I stretched and got out of bed to go put some black skinnies and a black plain shirt on. There's no point of dressing up all nice.

I love wearing all black... I don't get as noticed.

I then left the room and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix up my hair.

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