Chapter 12

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Louis' POV

Its 5:15 am...

Last night I couldn't sleep. I just laid in Harry's arms thinking.

I looked up at Harry. His eyes happened to be opened. But it looked like he just woke up cause he had heavy eyes.

He looked at me with a confused look. "Hey Lou did you just wake up? You look wide awake."

I smiled at him, "yes baby, I did just wake up... Why do you think that?" I lied. I could just have him know I didn't sleep all night. He already has enough worries...

That had me thinking... Oh shit! How could I have forgotten!

Harry must have noticed that something was wrong because he looked down at me with a scared look on his face. "Baby are you okay?"

I undid myself from his arms and sat up facing him. "Harry... So you know what today is?"

Harry looked at me with his heavy sleepy eyes. "Uh um..." Wow he was really thinking. "It's Friday. Right?"

I could see how he would forget with everything that has happened this week. Hell! I almost forgot.

I took a deep breath and spoke. " Harry, Anne your mum comes home today."

Harry's mouth dropped. His eyes went wide. He started to shake.

"Oh my god Lou! What are we gunna do!? When she comes home she gunna ask why you are all beat up and why the hell Troy is in my room locked up!"

Oh shit.

"Harry when is your mum supposed to be home. Don't tell me soon."

Harry looked over at the clock. His eyes went wide. "Fuck! She gets home around 7:30! This morning! Oh my god Louis what are we gunna do!?"

I quickly got up out of bed and ran out of the room to get things ready.

I went to Harry's room and opened the door slowly. Troy was sleeping in Harry's bed. He looked so peaceful in Harry's bed.

Even though he is a rapist and has hurt me over a hundred times. He's still my father... He was there for me when I was little. When I was made fun of in school he was always there for me... But then when my mum died he became a monster.

It's so sad... He used to be a great man.

I walked over to him and sat on the end of the bed.

I lightly shook him to wake him up. Troy slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He looked up at me and smile.

"Hey Louis what are you doing in here?" Was he the same man as yesterday and the past few years

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Hey dad uh... Anne is coming home soon."

He sat up slowly and smiled excitedly. "Oh my gosh she is?"

Who is this guys?

"Yes she is coming home around 7:30 this morning... I was also wondering uh um if you could act normal now and not hurt me and Harry cause Anne is home?" I looked down at my hands.

Troy smiled, "Of course my boy."

He stood up and happily walked out of the room and walked to him and Anne's room.

What the fuck just happened...

I was frozen for a few seconds on what jut happened. I then stood up and walked back to what was now mine and Harry's room.

Harry was getting dressed and cleaning the room.

"Alright Harry you can stop cleaning. I know my room is a mess you don't have to clean it."

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