Chapter 02

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Hailey's POV

"Hey! So how's first period?" Tori said. God it was nice seeing you girl!

"It was...okay. Uh how bout' yours?" I tug her shoulders and we both walk toward the cafeteria. "It was marvelous! I've met Nathan, Nathan Maker. He's so gorgeous Hails! And guess what..I am seated next to him!" She shared while giggling. "That's great! At least you will be motivated to go to class" I joked and we both laughed.

As we went to the cafeteria, I saw Zach and two other good looking boys seated next to him in their table. I guess those two are his good friends. I caught him looking back at me so I quickly find me and Tori a table. As we got our foods, we returned to our table.

"...and that's how my first period went." I shared to her everything. "WHAT?! YOU MEAN "THE ZACHARY ANDERSON"?" She shouted as I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Lower your voice Tori! I don't want army of Zach's desperate fans to attack us! And yes, him." I said to her as I remove my hand from her mouth.

"You know every girl in this school are crazy over him! Not only his good body and look are adored by girls, but also his wealth. His parents are the owner of Mega Mall and the Western Airlines are their's as well! He's the Heir of all those fortune. Come to think of it, the both of you are in the same level." While she's telling me stuff about Zach I can see in her face that she's drooling over him. I laughed "Okay, okay I get it now."

Zach's POV

"What? She declined your offer?First time you have been rejected." James laughed. Asshole as always.

"Yeah, and very funny James" I groaned.

"So who's this interesting girl you're talking about bro?" River asked me with a weird smile on his face.

"Hailey, Hailey Westwood." I answered while looking at Hailey at the other table. I have to admit she's beautiful features. Her eyes are perfect and her long curled blonde hair are beautiful. Her body is just flawless!

"Go get yourself another girl! Any girl just not her." James said while laughing his ass off.

I stare at them with a no-idea-what-is-their-meaning face feeling clueless of what James' said. "She's the only child of Mr and Mrs. Westwood. So that leads her as the only heiress to the Westwood group of company. Her parents are the owner of Empire State Hotel and Bank of The Eagles are their's as well." River answered my questioned face.

"...and I heard she's rejected every guy who's trying to ask her out." James added while his eyes turned to Hailey.

"Well.." I smirked. So she's hard to get? Well let's see how long she'll be able to resist my charm.

"Don't tell me you're planning to ask her out?" River snapped me out.

"Clever bro" I nodded.

"Careful, don't drag yourself into jail dude." James jokingly said.

"And by the look of the girl beside her, it's her best friend?" I asked.

"The daughter of famous designer Miranda Loise, Victoria Loise." River answered while looking at me he added "Why? You're going to hit on her too?"

I laughed and said "Of course not! I only had my eyes on Hailey." Wait what am I saying?

"Did I heard that right? Eyes only at her?" James smirked as he looked at me.

"Shut the fuck up." I said.

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