Chapter 47

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Hailey's POV

"Yes!" I yelled and sobbed out wrapping my arms around his shoulders crying into his shoulder. He stood up carrying me with him pulling my feet off the ground and twirling me around. "Yes I will marry you." I whispered in his ears. He set me on the ground and pulled away grabbing the ring of the box. I held out my left hand and he slipped the diamond ring on my ring finger.

With a wide grin Zach leaned down and captured my lips to his. I kissed him back with so much passion that I almost forgot we had an audience until the sounds of howling and whistling could be heard around us. We quickly pulled apart and I blushed while Zach chuckled.

We walked down the stage and head towards the table where our parents are seated. Zach parents and my parents stood up and congratulated us.

"Welcome to the family, Hailey dear!" Zach's mom kissed me on the cheek. "I already consider you my daughter." Zach's father said softly to me. "Thank you Aunt Lucy, Uncle George." I said happily.
"Son, I trust my daughter to you and only you." My father patted Zach's back, "I promise you that, uncle" he replied.
"Take care of our princess, Zachary boy." My mom kissed him on the cheek as he kissed back. "I will aunt Claire."
"So that's why you threw a party! Zach this is a proposal/engagement party, how did you plan all this?" I asked amazingly.

"Now you get it, smart ass. It wasn't easy inviting all these guests, I have to hire an investigator to investigate who are your relatives and partners of your parents in business so I can invite them all here. I have to make sure everyone's present so it'll be fair that your side of the family and my side of my family are all here. That's why I have been very busy lately." He blurted out.

"Zach...thank you. I don't know what to say... You really went through everything for this?" I was speechless after hearing his explanation.

"Yup." He said popping out the 'p'. "For you, for us." He hold my hands and grinned at me.
"Mom, dad. Aunt Claire, uncle Henry. Excuse us." After excusing they nod as approval and he grab me in the hand and we leave the table.
We're outside their house, more like in their big beautiful lawn. "Hailey, you don't know how happy you made me tonight..." He said staring into my eyes.

"Zach, I'm the one who should be saying that. You don't know how happy 'you' made me. You stood there and sang in front of everyone, and I know this isn't how Zachary Anderson rule. I said yes Zachary, not because you're an Anderson, not because you sang in front of everyone, not because you gave me the biggest diamond ring, not because you're good looking but because you're always there for me, you accepted me, you're always there to protect me, you love me, you turn to good for me. I love you, I love you so much my perfect future husband." I said facing him.

"When I knelt down for you, I didn't say everything I wanted to say because there were too many people in the room. Now that we're alone, I'm going to tell you everything. Hailey every time you look me in the eyes I felt that I'm not alone, I can really say that I'm loved not because of my money but because someone loved me for who I am. Of course, I love you not because you came from a very rich family, not because you got a very sexy and curvy body, not because you're very beautiful but because you trusted me and you never leave and give up on me. You've changed me so much. I love you so much Hailey and I will never get tired of saying it." He cupped his hands on my cheek as he slowly leaned down and kiss me on the lips.

-Weeks after the party-

"You look amazing! This is perfect!" Tori yelped in excitement.

"Really?" I turned to the mirror and saw myself in my dress. It really does look beautiful, very beautiful. Chanel never failed me. Although this dress costs $330,000 but it's worth it.
"Well I guess this one is it." I said and Tori nodded in excitement.

"Excuse me." I called out the manager who came running happily as everyone in this store knew my parents. "Uh, I'll take this one."

"We'll pack it right away, thank you Ms. Westwood. You look very lovely in that dress by the way." The manager complimented and I blushed.
After paying for the dress, Tori and I decided to take a break.
We head to the nearest coffee shop. As we went inside the coffee shop, I smelled the sweet aroma of the coffee beans, which made me drool.
"Drooling over the aroma?" Tori giggled.

"I know you're drooling too." I winked at her and she laughed.

"So..." Tori trailed off.
"So?" I raised my eyebrows.
"You're getting married to Zachary, finally." Tori said looking down at the menu. A playful smirk on her face.
"Yes." I started blushing as soon as she mentioned Zach's name. It's just a name Hailey, gosh!

"Cute you're blushing." She teased. "What are you having?" She added.

"Iced chocolate and a sliced of Red Velvet cake." I said like a three-year-old kid.

"Wait here while I order." She got up and went to the counter.

"Okay." I replied.

*Ringggg ringgg*

I reached out my iPhone and saw Zach's name flashing on the screen.

"Hello?" I happily said.

"Hi to my future beautiful wife. How are you doing?" I can sense he's smirking.
"It's frustrating. All these wedding plans." I whined.
"Hey don't you dare say-" i cute him off before he continues.

"I'm not having second thoughts dickhead." I laughed.

"Good. Where are you now?" He sighed in relief.

"Jacob's Brew with Tori." I said.

"I'll pick you up in an hour. I don't wanna ruin your bonding time together." He responded.
"Okay. Thank you babe. Bye." Then he hung up.

"Here're your orders, bitch." Tori came placing the orders on our table and sat down.
"So Zach called?" She asked sipping in her drinks.

"Yup. He said he'll pick me up in an hour." I said.

"Oh that's great! River's coming too." Tori squealed.
"Hailey, I- we're so lucky that we've found our 'the one'." Tori wiggled her eyebrows.
"I know right. Of course we deserved them." I laughed.
It's been a while since we have this bonding time, I missed our teen life. I'm getting married and soon I'll be a mom but I know this is
all part of growing up, you can't be young forever.


Hey guys! I know, and I'm so sorry that I made you wait for so long, but here are the three updates! ❤️ Hope you enjoyed reading. Btw, we are almost in the end! *cries*

PLEASE : Point out my wrong grammars, I would be glad if you do. I type this on my phone and I was in a rush to update, that's why I don't have the time to edit and stuff.

Thank you all for your patience. ❤️ Love lots,


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