Chapter 13

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Hailey's POV

"God my head hurts." I murmured as I got up on bed, and looked at the time only it was 3 in the afternoon. I can't sleep nor relax, the terrible incident kept repeating on my head! I remove my clothes and look myself at the mirror and I could still remember how they tortured me. The weapons they used against me, and how the men harassed me. It was definitely one horrible moment. Thank God Tori was there, thank God she called the police or else I don't even know if I could even make it that time.

I went inside the bathroom to take a bath, as soon as I'm done I went to my closet and put on comfy short pants and a loose T-shirt.

"Ms Hailey, your friends are here." Sonia shouted softly.

Friends? It's not only Tori who came? Then who? Don't tell me it's... Screw it! Ignoring my thoughts, I went down the stairs just to see Zach, Tori, James and River sitting in the living room.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" I asked them as they just smile back at me. "Sonia, prepare snacks for the guests please, and thank you." I turned to Sonia as she nodded.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Tori asked as she moved her hand on my cheek.

"I'm okay." I said "What are they doing here?" I whispered to her ear.

"They came to see you, dumbass." Tori looking at me worriedly.

I smiled. "But I'm fine-" then Zach interrupted. "Stop lying, we know you're not. Tori already told us about you and Eric."

"What?! Tori you-" I frowned turning my head to Tori.

"Don't blame her. It's not her fault, she was forced." River defended Tori.

"Yeah, and you should thank me, not scold me." She smirked.

That's it! I can't take it no more. "Tori, a word with you... Kitchen, Now." I frowned.

Then I pulled Tori in the hand and we both walked to the kitchen.

"Why did you tell them? You know how personal that was!" I yelled at Tori but not that loud though.

"Relax, I was really forced and I was thinking that maybe you need back up, if Eric comes back to you at least you have 'boy' friends to protect you." Tori explained. And at the same time, she's right. I can't deal with Eric alone. She hugged me and I hugged back. She told me that she's sorry and she just wanted me to be safe and happy.

We both went back the living room. "Uh, so you guys knew everything" I said, a little embarrassed- and not to mention awkward!

"Yup." James nodded as he crossed his arms.

"Hailey, I-" before Zach could finish his sentence Sonia came "Ms. Hailey, snacks are here." Then she put the snacks on the table in front of us and leaves us.

"You were saying?" I turned my head back at Zach.

"...are you still going this friday?" He said, but something tells me he changed his question.

"Oh...uh yeah. I need a break so this party's just perfect." I smiled.

"Ok." He responded.

"So cute! You guys look great together!" Tori smirked.

What the hell? I think I'm blushing "Let's eat? I'm starving!" I said and get a cookie from the plate and put the whole cookie in my mouth.

After an hour of talking and laughing, it was fun actually being with these people. I felt very relieved after the talks and fun moments.

"Let's play truth and dare. Game?" James suggested. River just nod while Zach just gave ok-I'm-in look.

"Okay! And Hailey, you're playing too, no excuses." Tori demanded and laughed.

As James rolled the bottle, the bottle stopped and pointed at me!

"Truth or dare?" River asked.

Well I don't want to pick dare as I know that will be a bad idea so I said truth.

"Are you ready for another relationship?" James asked. Of course he's always the tricky one.

"No." Without hesitation, I answered. "I'm not yet ready to experience another heart break."

"Touché." Tori reacted.

I don't know why but I turned to Zach and when he noticed me I quickly smiled back. Okay what was that? Dumb move.

I spin the bottle and it pointed at me... again! "Hey, no fair!" I squealed and they all just laugh at me.

"Truth or-" Tori said then I quickly reply. "Truth!"

"We all know you don't have a boyfriend but at least do you have a crush on someone from our school?... Or someone close to you and by close, I mean close close." She smirked. What kind of a question is that!

How embarrassing having boys glared their eyes on me. "Uh-" I just couldn't look at them in the eyes! "No, unfortunately." Phew, I said it.

"Really? I don't believe you." James smirked.

I don't care if they didn't buy that but I'm not confessing anything! "Suit yourself." I just rolled my eyes.

Next, I spin the bottle again. And looks like it pointed at Tori. "Dare!" She shouted. "For a change, cos' someone over there keeps on picking truth and it's getting boring." she added and I just rolled my eyes cos' I know she's referring to me.

"Sit on River's lap and kiss him on the cheek." James demanded. I knew it! Dare's a dirty dare!

Then Tori just nodded and scoot to River's lap, I can see her blushing ha! She then slowly kiss River on the cheek. I can see River's hand slowly placing it on her hips. And River just gave Tori the 'smile'. Seems like River's not planning to let go of Tori so his hands are still on her body then the both of them sat together.

James laughed and he spin the bottle again. This time it pointed at Zach! Omg what will he choose? Truth or dare?

"Brother! Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Dare." He smirked. I guess he don't wanna answer some truthful question. And that's good too, because I don't wanna hear hurtful answers as well.

"Badass, uhm-" he then look at me. Uh oh, not good. "Kiss Hailey on the lips." James finished.

"JAMES GREGORY!" I glared at him. And I turn to at Zach only to see him smiling but this time it was weird.

"Joking! God, you guys are fucking serious! Fine, on the cheek." He said.

Without another word, I felt warm lips against my cheek. It was hot and it felt good! I almost blush but I manage to control my blood. Damn it I wanna kiss him back! Joking!

I quickly turned away and saw James wiggling his eyebrows at me. Jerk! Then I took a quick look at Zach, and I just couldn't tell what expression it is on his face. Then I noticed the time, it was already 6:30 at night. "Uh, guys it's getting late now-" before I could finish Sonia came in. She's always in a perfect timing! "Ms. Hailey are the guests staying for dinner?" She asked.

Great as much as I wanted to be alone right now but I guess I have to let them stay. I mean come on, it's rude if I won't offer them dinner. They came because they were worried so I guess dinner would return the favor. "Yes, ofcourse Sonia." I answered.

"You're letting us stay? And I thought you were gonna kick us out." River said more than in a joking way.

"Of course if it's okay with you guys." I replied.

"Then who are we to say no." James just agreed.

The dinner went well, Sonia served many delicious food and I believe their tummies are satisfied. We laughed and talked about each other. That was fun. After dinner they left, of course Tori followed River. That girl. I just hope I won't be an aunt this early! Ha joke.

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