Chapter 11

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Hailey's POV

"Hailey!" Tori snapped me out.

"Oh sorry, what was that?" I turned my head to Tori.

"Stop staring at Zach, Hailey my girl. He's yours anyway" she giggled.

I slapped her on the head! "Ouch what was that for?" She asked rubbing her head where I slapped her.

I smiled and said "WHAT was that you were saying awhile ago?"

"Oh yeah, as I was saying James told me that the dress code for girl is cocktail dress" she replied.

"Okay. No problem." I said.

"Hailey." Zach finally opened his mouth.

"Yes?" I quickly asked and turned to him.

"I'll pick you up that night. Okay?" He said.

"That goes for me going to the bar alone!" Tori sighed.

"No you're not, I'll pick you up." River grinned and offered and to Tori.

"Are you sure? Then okay who am I to say no!" Tori replied to River with a smile.

"So I'll be there by 6." Zach looked at me.

"Oh uh, o-okay." I nodded. Was that the only thing he wanted to say? I was expecting something though.

Then the person I don't want to see is there at the other table far away from ours.

"Shit." I couldn't help but said that loud that the four of them stared back at me.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked.

"Yeah Hailey, what's wrong?" James turned his glare at me.

"It's Eric." I looked at Tori with a-help-me face.

"That shit head! Where's he?" She yelled but I managed to grab her arms before she was noticed by others.

"Who's this shit head, Eric?" River asked me.

"I bet he's one of the guys courting you" James smirked.

"Yeah and out of all boys I've met he's the worst." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Why? What did he do to you?" Zach immediately sensed something's wrong with me and Eric.

"He uh- let's just not talk about him, shall we?" I tried changing the subject as I grab a pizza, put it in my mouth. Like a monster haven't eaten for years!

Tori patted my back since she knows what happened to my past. And I gave her a smile more like a thank-you-face.

Obviously Zach, River, and James are curious. I can see it on their faces. I just really don't wanna talk about Eric especially those moments with him were the darkest.

I think Zach noticed me not feeling comfortable as he handed me water. I grab his water and drank until it was empty. I never drank this fast! I just want Eric to disappear at this moment!

"Hey easy there." I felt a hand patting my back. It was Zach's, surprisingly.

I felt tears streaming down my cheek. Damn why am I this weak! I can feel the fear all over again. As I wipe the tears of my face.

"Excuse me." Without another word I left them.

"Hailey-" Before Tori even say a word, Zach already left the table too.

-At the restroom-

I look myself at the mirror, God, how awful I looked. Hailey get a hold of yourself! Past is past, he moved on and so should you. Ugh but that day, the day the incident happened popped into my mind, I swear to God that was the worst day of my life. I can still remember how he harassed me, how he and his men tried to sexually harassed me. And how they ripped off my clothes and hit me on the face and body. More tears were streaming down my face, I can feel my body's shaking. That was just too much and hard to forget.

"Hey Hailey! Are you okay?" I heard a deep voice outside the restroom's door. The voice was very familiar, oh it was Zach's.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Obviously lying. And I know he won't buy that cos' my voice changed into teary-voice.

"I know you're not. Please come out." He pleaded.

So I did go out of the restroom and I saw him there standing. Without any word, he hugged me. This time I won't push him away since right now I badly need a comfort.

I couldn't control anymore my tears as they streamed down to his shirt. "Shh, shh it'll be alright." He softly whispered. His hug, his warmth, that felt good hugging him. I feel protected around him, I don't know why. And I don't care anymore, I hugged him back.

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