Chapter 19

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Zach's POV

-At the cafateria-

It has been three days since I told her that we kissed, and now its like she's ignoring me and she's not even replying me on texts. I hate being ignored for no reason, well the kiss was not reasonable! How can she do that to me, I knew it that this would happen, I shouldn't have told her about the kiss. Regrets...well, too late! What's done is done, now I have to think of a way to fix this. No girls has ever ignored me and turned her back on me.

"...and that's how Blake ended up in jail." River noticed me all blank. "Hey! What's wrong with you?" He punched my shoulder.

"It's Hailey, am I right?" James smirked. "The day you met her, she has really changed you buddy." He added.

"Well like she told me herself 'if you started liking someone, you will just be surprised how you've changed for the person you like; not for the worse but for the better.'" River shared to us what Hailey has told him days before.

"She said that?" I asked and River nodded. " I already told her that we kissed at the bar and now she's avoiding me and ignoring all my texts. It's like it was a mistake telling her the truth." I sighed.

"You want us to talk and ask her for you?" James looked at me waiting for my reply.

"No need. It's my problem, so I need to fix it personally. Besides this is just Hailey, nothing I can't handle." I shrugged and declined their offer.

"By the way, I heard you slept with Tori then Hailey came to you to talk about it....So?" I turned to River and asked.

"I talked to Tori about this and we both agree to take things slow. We'll wait until both of us are ready to commit, I mean when I'm ready. So I'll just try myself to be a better man for Tori" He grinned.

"At least Tori didn't ignore you for weeks. Why are girls that troublesome?" I chuckled and shook my head. They both laughed in return.

I saw Hailey and Tori entering the cafeteria. But she looked away, such a snob!

Hailey's POV 

"Tori what will I do? I don't even know how to act in front of him." I pouted.

"Well, do you like him?" Tori asked straightly. "Uh- no, I guess." I honestly answered. Swear, my mind and heart are still confusing. My thoughts were a blur, I still can't get a clear pic of my feelings. I like him but I'm not yet prepared to fall in love again.

"So what's the problem? Just act normal in front of him. And he'll think that the kiss was just nothing. Hailey it's you who is over acting. Come on and let's go sit with them." Tori said while picking her food for lunch.

"Easy for you to say smartypants! You're lucky that River didn't break or force you to do anything. At least you guys cleared things out. I'm happy for you Tori!" I smiled at her while taking a quick peak at Zach's table. While getting potato wedges and pizza, I saw a squad of cheerleaders passed by their table and giving them flirtatious glances, it pissed me off every time a girl flirting with Zach. Ugh, stop acting like a jealous girlfriend!1

Tori then pulled me to their table, not good. "May we join you guys?" She grinned at them. "Sure take your seats, ladies." James nodded.

As I was about to take a seat beside River, Tori grab my arm and whispered "Let me sit with River please? You can sit with Zach. Please sweetie!"

"But- fine." I sighed and sit besides Zach. Tori just winked at me. Okay I completely lost my appetite, too bad today's food were my favorite, potatoes and pizza.

"Hi Hailey." Zach said softly. And I just replied with a nod. Now I feel guilty, it's like I shouldn't treat him this cold. I ignored him while digging in my food. I really wanna talk to him but I just don't know how to open it.

I saw River and Tori talking and laughing at each other while James on the other hand, he's pretty much enjoying the view as he joins them.

As I finished my lunch and drink water, Zach pulled me away from the table, away from the cafeteria and there we went inside an empty room where there was no one but us. He then leaned closer to me, "Why are you ignoring me? Was it about the kiss? If it is then why?" He asked seriously.

I just stared at him, I don't know what to say. Am I going to say yes because I like you? No too desperate. "No, I was drunk when I kissed you, remember?" Good safe but not good enough because it didn't even answered his question.

"I know that Westwood. I mean why are you ignoring me?" He asked again.

Am I going to just tell him how I really feel?


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