Chapter 25

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Zach's POV

"Okay fine. But just this night." she climbed onto my bed and I leaned closer to her.

She really had a very warm body, I feel thousand times better now that she's here with me. I should call James and River to thank them for telling Hailey that I'm sick. She's indeed a very caring person.

"Zach may I ask you something? But promise me you won't find this awkward, okay?" She turned to me.

"Okay, you have my word." I nodded. What seems to be the problem?

"Have you ever liked or loved a girl before?" She asked straightly staring at me.

"No..believe it or not." I said. "Wanna know why?"

"Yeah. I mean, if it's okay with you." She then looked away and blushed.

"I don't even know." I laughed.

She frowned. "Are you serious? Don't play games with me like your friend!" she then hit me but it was soft.

"I really don't know. Maybe I just wanted to have fun and enjoy my youth." I smirked. "I see, that makes sense though" She responded.

"Wait what do you mean 'like my friend'?" I added.

"Oh that, it's James. This afternoon I went to look for them because I noticed you have been missing for two days so I thought something's happened. Then James said that you went out of town with this 'Candace' girl." She laughed and I laughed with her as well.

"Seriously? Out of town with a girl?" Wait, she was looking for me? "You went to look for them just to know where I was?" I smirked.

"Yes, is there a problem?" She asked.

"So you're worried? You care for me?" I smirked.

"Wait- woah, hold on. Am not!" She's denying but I can see she's lying.

"Okay, whatever Pinocchio." I smirked and that earned a frown from her. "Your turn. Have you loved a guy before?" I asked.

"It's your choice to believe me or not, like you, I never loved a guy and never been in a real relationship. The only thing different between us is that I don't play games with boys.." She answered and let out a big yawn. It's a tie then...oh wait, no it's not.

Then I slowly move my hand to her waist, pulling her close to me. Then I swiftly move her hair away from her face. "You're so beautiful" I whispered to her. I can see she's blushing red while closing her eyes.

"Thank you by the way, for being here." I whispered. Then as I looked down her face, she fell asleep. How cute. I wrapped her around me tightly, "Alright, goodnight and sweet dreams, sweetheart." I said as I kiss her forehead.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of soft snoring. I still had my arm around her, and her face buried into my chest.

I looked down at her, her features so relaxed and content as I smiled. Looking over the clock, it was already 8. Well I don't care, I don't wanna wake her up from her good long sleep. Wait, my fever's gone? I touched my forehead only to feel my temperature's back to normal. So...she's the only medicine I need.

Then she soon started stirring as a sign that she has woke up.  "Goodmorning, beautiful." I said softly.


"Relax nothing happened. By the way thank you." I said to calm her down.

"Oh... Uh-You're welcome, I guess. Wait how about your fever?" She then puts her hand on my forehead and smiled. "It's gone."

"Yup thanks to you, Hailey." I smiled to her.

"S-school! Right! Wait, I can't go to school like this! I wore these clothes yesterday, no way am I repeating." She freaked out again.

"I'll go find an outfit for you in my mom's closet. If that's okay with you." I offered then she nodded and said yes please. So I got up and went to my parent's bedroom.

I returned to my room to see her looking around my room then she noticed me and smiled. "Here, this is a dress but it suits your age. I just couldn't find any clothes for you, mom's clothes are way too old for you." Then I made her laugh. "Thank you Zach. May I use your bathroom?" She spoked.

"Of course go ahead. I'll just use the bathroom of my parents." I said but before I leave the room she yelled. "Wait! Uh- do you have a spare towel?" She blushed. As I got her a towel from my closet "Here, anything more ma'am?" I teased.

"No more, thank you." She blushed and went to the bathroom as she shuts the door close

And I went out to take a shower also. After 10 mins I'm done and as I reach for my clothes, shit I forgot my own clothes! With the towel covering only the lower part of my body, I went inside my room. As I walk to my closet, I bumped into Hailey, before she falls to the ground I manage to catch her. Her body in my arms, then I noticed her face's turning red as a tomato!

"See something you like?" I said with a wink. "As if! Get off!" Then I let go of her. I continued to my closet and put on some clothes.

"You finish? I believe we should get going." I smirked. "Oh and that dress looks good on you."

She blushed, "uh, thanks."

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