Chapter 26

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Hailey's POV

"Oh and that dress looks good on you." He said.

"U-uh, thanks." I said shyly. I admit this dress looks a bit formal. I like the style of it, it's sleeveless, the neckline not so low, above knee-length, and the prints look okay. I just have to repeat my shoes and bags, luckily it matches my orange dress.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked concerned. Then he stared at me smiling. "Never better." He answered. That's a relief then.

-At school-

"Hey Zach." I whispered. "What?" He replied. Damn is he blind? Can't he see many people are staring at us! Is it because they saw us together coming to school? Or is it my dress? Or.. Or even worse, they thought we're dating?! Hell NO! "People are staring and it's really annoying." I whispered again. "Then let them." He smirked. As he put his arm around my shoulders, "Let go" I groaned. "Nope, not a chance." He grinned and I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey hey hey. Am I seeing a couple here?" James and his evil smile.

"Hailey you owe me an explanation! And I thought you'll never have a love life." Tori joked. "Wait no, and no. We're not dating Victoria." I groaned. "Yesterday I went to his house and he's sick so I-" before I finish, Tori squealed. "You were in his house all night? You slept there? With him alone?"

"Hey where are you guys going?!" River shouted but he was ignored.

Okay it's time to pull Tori away, she's embarrassing me! So I pulled her away and we went to the girl's room, there's no one here. Perfect! I took in a big air, "Okay Tori, I just felt pity on him and took care of him the whole night. But trust me, nothing happened! You know me, I won't let that happen." I explained and sighed.

Tori laughed, "Okay.. gosh, you look so defensive! You should've saw your face!" She continued laughing.

"Har har. Laugh all you want bitch!" I whimpered. "By the way, I have a problem here."

She finally stopped laughing and turned to her serious look "What is it?"

"When I got out of Zach's car this morning, many people kept on staring at us and some of their stare are not so good. And what's worst, as I told Zach that people were staring..he put his whole arm on my shoulder! Ugh! That made it all worst!" I cried.

"How cute! I swear you guys make a good pair!" She rolled her eyes, "Nah, just ignore those people, eff to be specific ignore those jealous freaks. They just envy you because you're with Zach! And I bet, most of the boys want Zach dead right now." She laughed and crossed her arms.

I guess she's right. But still we're not officially dating, he didn't even confess... yet. I wonder what's our status right now? I mean for me, it's complicated. I just want things to clear out, soon as possible!

We went out from the restroom, and headed to the parking area. "Tori this is killing me!" I pleaded. "You mean Zach?" Tori said smirking. "We had...uh...moments. I mean, he didn't say anything about it but- ugh! I'm falling for him and I don't even know if he-shit!" as I just saw Zach, River and James standing in front us! How long have they been standing there? Did they overheard our conversation? Shit! Fucker!

"Hailey-" before Tori continues I walk out ignoring Tori.

"Hey Westwood!" "Hailey." River and Zach greeted but as I said I'm ignoring them! Damn!

"What's wrong with her?" Zach asked Tori.

"How long have you guys been standing there anyway?" Tori looking worried.

"We...kinda...overheard your conversation with Hailey..." James said looking guilty.

"Holy mother fucker! You guys heard everything? Even you Zach?" She yelled.

"Yeah, sorry. I wish I didn't but I did." Zach nodded. "Of course! That's why she walked out!" Tori cried.

"God! You guys...a little privacy!She felt embarrassed. And besides that conversation was personal." Tori scolded them.

Zach was speechless, he ignored Tori and he walked out from them as well. "Zachary!" Tori tried to yell but it was pointless, he's gone.

-At the restroom-


I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. No, don't get affected. Hailey Westwood you were raised by excellent parents, don't let them down. Maybe he didn't overheard. Maybe it was all just a misunderstanding. Maybe I just over-reacted. I looked at the mirror and saw myself, damn with these tears...I look like a weakling!

As I went out the restroom, I saw Zach leaning back against the wall. I quickly walk away but he's so fast that he grab my arm and that stopped me. "Let go of me Zachary!" I yelled.

"Nope. Not this time." He pulled me away. Then we went to the parking area and he opened the door of his car for me. "Where are you taking me?" I'm trying my best to escape but he's too big and strong. As I hopped in the car he help me with my seatbelt. He leaned so close to me that are lips almost meet. The heat between as was burning up! I quickly looked away and ignore his glare.

Where is he taking me?

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