Chapter 10

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Zach's POV

I smiled as I stare down at her beautiful sleeping face. I wanted to stop the time and enjoy the moment I have with her now.

"Why must you be so beautiful?" I asked softly as she stirs in her sleep and turn away from me. "Wake up." I patted her head softly. As much as I wanted to let her sleep beside me, we can't. I mean we still have a school to attend. I know how important academic grades are to her so she shouldn't miss school. Finally after two minutes, she woke up and quickly got out of bed.

"There's no need to rush it's 6 in the morning." I said teasing her and laughing softly.

"Mind if I shower first?" She asked with her morning tone. By morning tone I meant not so happy tone. She's not a morning person, I supposed?

"Of course, ladies first." I said and she proceeded to shower.

After thirty minutes of waiting for her. "Oh shit! I forgot my clothes! Damn it!" I can hear her shouting, maybe she forgot that I was even here.

As she exits her bathroom only with a towel on, at least than being totally naked. "Oh you look good." I joked.

She totally ignored me and went to her closet. "I'm going to shower now. And by the way do you have any boy clothes?" I asked her nicely.

"Yeah I'll get it for you." She shouted from her closet.

As I'm finish showering, I forgot there's no bathrobe in here. Then I heard a knock. "Are you done? Unlock the door and I'll give you your clothes and towel." Of course, it was Hailey. As I unlock the door she opened the door a little, enough for the clothes to fit in. "Here." Her arm reaching out the door with the clothes. "Thank you, Hailey." I said so I won't be so impolite.

As I got out I asked her. "Whose clothes am I wearing?"

"My dad's. I hope the pants and the polo shirt are okay for you." She said.

I nodded. "Tell your dad I said thanks." I added

"No way! He should never know that you spent the night here! Keep your mouth shut, understood?" She glared at me while her hands at her hips. She looks cute when she's mad.

"Okay deal." I said to calm her down.

"Let's eat breakfast, so we can go to school and go our separate ways." She then opened the door for me.

After breakfast we both went to school. Of course we use my car.

Before I even got out of my care she left and wave a goodbye to me. I guess she don't want people noticing that we spent the night together.

"Brother!" I heard James yelled and both of them, River approached me.

"Hey guys!" I responded.

"How's your day yesterday? I see the girl that ran out your car was Hailey Westwood?" River asked with a smirk on his face.

James then added "Brother dude did you and Hailey-" I interrupted him "No we didn't, James."

"You spent the night at the Westwood Mansion and nothing happened?" James said like he didn't believe me.

"Yup, exactly." I just sighed.

"Are you sure you're Zachary? Cos' the real Zachary Anderson won't allow that." River said staring me in the eyes.

"Let's just go to class guys." I tugged them in the shoulders and we headed to class.

Hailey's POV

-Lunch time-

"What happened to you girl? You didn't reply any of my texts!" Tori came yelling at me.

"Sorry Tori. You know, uh, Zach, he uh-" I tried telling tori but it was hard because I don't want her to think any dirty things. Knowing her she will.

"What? Zach what? Don't keep me hanging like that!" Tori slapped me in the shoulder. "Ow! Okay, okay." I quickly responded.

.... Then after I told her what happened. "WHAT? HE WAS AT YOUR PLACE THE WHOLE TIME?" Tori shouted while looking at me.

"Yes and please I beg of you lower your voice! Shh." I quickly pulled her.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" She smirked.

"Of course! Girl you know I won't allow that! Not in my own room!" I explained.

After a while, three good looking men were standing in font of me and Tori.

"Hi Hailey, Tori!" River waved at me so as James.

"Hi." I responded.

"Hi guys! Please, sit down and join us!" Tori said.

I looked at Tori and gave her the-what-did-you-just-say face. What the hell Tori! Okay, I lost my appetite.

Then they took Tori's offer and sit with us. Great Zach's beside me since the table was round, ugh Tori you're so dead.

"So Tori would you and Hailey come to my party this friday? It'll be held at my bar, La Push." James asked Tori. Of course she'll ask Tori cos' he knows Tori won't take no for an answer.

"Of course! We'll be there." Tori said as she look at me. Expected, of course she'll say yes! Sigh.

"Right Hailey?" She grabs my hand and asked me.

"I don't know. Uh, I have stuffs to do." Trying to escape. "What stuff? Oh come on! Drop them for once! Give yourself a break" Tori then again cried.

"Okay, okay. I'll go." No choice. I have to say yes to stop Tori annoying me.

"Great!" River said.

Then I noticed Zach was staring at me. Okay it was so uncomfortable. His stare told me he has something to tell me. What is that he wanted to say?

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