Chapter 18

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Zach's POV

"Oh right that! River we need to talk." Hailey said turning her head to River. Then she grab River in the arm and they both walked away.

"What was that all about?" I asked turning to James. "I don't know. Before you came, Tori was here but after seeing me and River, she left." He explained.

"Wait, what do you mean something happened between you and Ms Westwood?" He smirked.

"Well, you see yesternight she was drunk and not herself, she was saying..things and after...we kissed." I shared as James mouth wide open.

"You got to kiss with the Westwood?" He asked and I nodded. "Now that's my man! That's the Zachary I know. Then? Did you sleep with her?" He replied.

"What? Of course we did not." I just crossed my arm and shrugged.

Hailey's POV

"River, I know what happened between you and Tori last night and I wanted to know why did you slept with her?" I asked without wasting any time.

"She's a wonderful girl. She's honest, kind, and caring. After sleeping with her, I admit, I liked her even more." He said while I cut in. "Even more? So you liked her before?" I asked a little confuse.

"Why should I even answer your questions." He responded crossing his arms "What kind of a respond is that? I wanted to know how you REALLY feel towards my bestfriend. I don't want her to get hurt in the end, got that Dickson?" I snapped.

"That's the point. You got me." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked, now I'm really confused. "I like her Hailey, I really do. I'm just scared she might get hurt because you know I'm not a one-lady-man." He finally said it!

"You got me speechless. Geez, but you know what? I can only say is that if you really like Tori you'll change for her because you don't want her to get hurt. You'll do everything just to make her happy, I mean...if you really care. And most of all, if you're hers, learn how to be contented. Please, be loyal to her, because I know she's loyal to you too. You may miss your old lifestyle when you start dating, but trust me, you'll be happier and you'll just be surprise how much you've changed." I said patting him softly at the back. "I know it's hard, committing to someone's really hard." I added.

"You really have a lot to say about relationships, huh." He said. "I mean you're an expert on this." He added laughing.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes then turned to him again. "I've learned a lot from my mistakes." I snickered.

"I can see that...Zach's right about you being different. So you and Zach are going out?" He asked. Wait, Zach said that? My eyes widen in shock.

"Of course not! You know me...I'm not into relationships." I said trying to avoid eye contact. "Zach he uh, he's okay. I mean I am not denying that he isn't good looking." I added.

"Who's good looking?" A deep, sexy voice interrupted.

I felt my face flush as I locked eyes with this beautiful man, his electrifying eyes, tousled dark hair which gave him that sexy bed-head look, his angular jaw and his perfect muscular physique. Damn you Zachary.

I mentally scolded myself for drooling over him!

"Well?" He pressed on.

"I'm off. Thanks for your advice Hailey, see you guys later!" River smirked, slinking out of the hallway.

"Just a person I happened to know, Zach." I replied and he smirked as if he's sharing himself a private joke. "What do you want?" I asked.

"By the way, about what you said earlier.. What happened to us last night?" I suddenly remembered and asked quickly. I really wanna know!

"You really don't remember a thing? Not even little?" He asked raising his left eye brow. "No, not really. After I woke up this morning all I remembered is I had too much drink and- uh and a bad headache." I didn't told him that I remembered us left alone in the room so he won't make stories up.

"We...uh, kissed." My jaw drop as I heard him. " Kissed? Are you sure?" I was shocked, really shocked. KISS? FOR REAL? DAMN IT. I SHOULD NEVER HAD DRUNK THAT MUCH. "What else? Did I say anything weird?" I quickly asked and still catching my breath.

"Uh, it was all blur, so the words were not clear in my mind." He said but I can sense he's lying. Not a good actor Zach!

"Hey, Hailey-" before he could finish, "I have to go, I'll see you later. Bye!" I hurriedly turned away and walk out. Omg I kissed him? On the lips, on Zachary's lips! This is too awkward for me to handle. I need space, distance from him.

The first time I kissed a guy was Stanley he was the 6th- I guess- who courted me but luckily I was able to found out earlier as possible that he was cheating on me. Okay enough reminiscing...go back to Zach, he kissed me? WHY DID I KISS HIM! I don't know how to act in front of him! I wonder what's on his mind when I kissed him? He must think I was desperate, or cheap. Ugh!

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