Chapter 36

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Hailey's POV


I turned my attention towards podium where they now began to call students up one by one, alphabetically to receive their diplomas.

It wasn't long until the principal called on the microphone four of the most important people in my life, but of course family first. "Zachary Anderson." Everyone was clapping some of the girls even hollered as Zach got up on the podium to receive his diploma. "River Dickson..." I laughed along with some of the audience when River began dancing, as most of the girls go crazy.

"That's enough, Mr. Dickson. Thank you." Ms. Paige the school's secretary said, as River shook our Director's hand, taking a bow before heading off the stage. "James Gregory." He went up the podium to receive his diploma while girls drooling over him.

Ms. Paige carried on with the list of names, "Victoria Loise" I'm so happy we're graduating together! Another check on my friendship goals. It's not long until finally my name's called, "Hailey Westwood." I went up the podium and get my diploma and I took a bow. I saw my parents standing up clapping for me. It really made me very happy, they were there cheering for me despite their busy schedule.

As for Zach and I? I don't know where we are going to end up.. whatever, YOLO!

The ceremony's almost done as Ms. Paige and Mr. Flipp said together, "Congratulations, to the class 2015!" Then we, all of us threw our caps in the air, family, friends, relatives clapped for us!

Few minutes later, the crowd began to disperse, looking for their new graduate.

"Congratulations, princess! I'm so proud of you!" My dad came hugging me tight as he gave me a bouquet of flowers! Okay, the biggest bouquet I ever received, it was all peonies! "Thanks, dad!" I hugged him back again. "Sweetie, we love you so much! Congratulations!" My mom squealed. Then I turned to her and gave her one big hug! "Thanks mom!"

"Let's go? I'm throwing a big party at Empire State, tell your friends to come! It's a celebration to all graduates!" My dad said excitingly.

"You can go ahead mom, dad. I'm just going to find Tori and Zach then I'll just follow. If that's okay?" I asked.

"Sure thing honey! We already told all the parents including Zach's. Everyone's coming." Mom nodded and said softly.

"I'll see you later! Thank you both again!" I hugged mom and dad together again.

I pushed my way towards the crowd, some people stopping to say hello as I congratulated them not before quickly excusing. Half of the people I don't know but they knew me.

"Tori!" I yelled and ran hugging her! "Girl! Congratulations to te both of us! We finally made it through." She whispered while hugging me. I asked a school mate to take a picture of me and Tori as I gave her my Iphone. After so many shots, "Hailey, I heard your parents are throwing a big party at your hotel." She said. "Yup! Be there or else." I chuckled. "I will, now I'm going to look for River, you?" She asked. "Me too, I mean I'm going to look for Zach." I chuckled. 

"Zachary!" I called out to him. His cap and gown in hand as he lifted his head up. Making eye contact with me. I ran straight towards him while his arms wide open. I hugged him real tight and he hugged back too. "Congratulations." We both whispered together. He kissed me on the cheek, that feels so good.

He stared down "I heard..." I cut him off, "I know party at Empire State." I smirked and rolled my eyes while he smiled back.

"That's one big bouquet." He said. "It's from dad...hmm I smell jealousy Zachary." I teased.

"Am not. Flowers are too cliché." He said while pulling out a small box. "For you."

"You shouldn't have." I said surprisingly. "Just take it." He demanded.

As I opened the box it was a necklace with the letter 'Z'. It was beautiful!

"Z for Zachary." I said softly looking at him. "Yes, that means you're mine forever." He chortled. I kissed him on the cheek, it's was just a peck. "I love it! Thank you!"

"I want more than that, Westwood." He teased. "I'll make it up to you." I smiled. "I know you will." He said softly as he wrapped me around his arm.

"I'm hungry! Let's grab something to eat before going to the mall." I suggested.

"The mall?!" Zach's whined.

"Yup, we need clothes! So that we don't have to go home just to change for the party." I laughed.

"What? So it's like accompanying you shopping?" He complained.

"Yes, now let's go! Get your car keys and let's go!" I rolled my eyes and pull him to his car.

"But...Can't you just call Tori to accompany you?" He complained again.

"Oh come on, she's with River now. I don't wanna disturb them. And what's wrong accompanying me to the mall? What's wrong with a boyfriend accompanying his girlfriend to the mall?" I pout and crossed my arms.

"Okay, okay babe." He put his hands up like he surrendered and laugh. "Let's go."

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