Chapter 24

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Hailey's POV

Strange...he's been missing for 2 days already. Where's Zach? I hope he's okay. I need to find River and James. I know he may be stubborn sometimes- Okay, most of the time- but he's still my friend.

Speaking of the devil, "Hailey, my friend!" James waved. Perfect! "Where's Zach?" I asked quickly.

"He's out of town with Candace." James replied. "Who's Candace?" I asked, a little jealous. Then River interrupted. "Don't listen to that dick head! He's sick Hailey, fever, for two straight days already. Oh and...there's no Candace we know, James made that one up."

Then I punch James in his hard broad chest "JERK!", wait I think it's my hand who's in pain *Ouch* I mentally yelped. Then I gave him a serious stare. "Okay thanks." Then James apologized, "Hey look I'm sorry, just messing with ya' by the way visit him please he needs someone to take care of him." Then he winked at me.

"Am I his mother?" I joked. "But okay, I'll visit him" I added. Then they wave a goodbye to me. 

-At Zach's house-

*Ding dong* then someone, one of his maid I guess, opened the door. "Yes Ms. How may I help you?" She said.

"Oh uh, I'm here for Zachary. I'm his friend, Hailey." I said politely.

"He's upstairs Ms Hailey. Let me take you there Ms." She suggested. "Uh no need for that, just tell me where his room is, thank you." I said with a soft smile on my face.

As she pointed where his room is I went upstairs. I knocked the door and slowly opening the door. "Zach?" I said softly.

"Hailey? What are you doing here?" Zach hurriedly got up the bed and fell on the ground.

"Hey!" I rushed to him. "James and River told me you're sick and I came to see if you're okay." I said gently. He's lucky he's sick...I'll be extra nice to him, just this once.

We both returned to his bed. "You got a nice mansion and your bedroom's interior are super!" I tried helping him feel better. He's still ignoring me... seriously? "Zach, if I'm really making you uncomfortable I can ju-" then he interrupted me. "No, please stay." Then I pat him at the back. "I'm sorry, I just don't want you too see me like this." He added.

"By the way, did you eat already?" I asked.

"Yes just before you came. You?" He replied.

"Done. Come on, rest now." I help him to bed. "You want water? Anything?" I asked.

"You." he said. "Can you join me on bed?" He added. I froze at the moment he said 'You'. Why am I happy suddenly that he wanted me by his side? No, snap out of this!

"You're sick, stop joking Zach." I tried to pull this off as if it's a joke, or is it?

"I am sick but I'm not joking. I'm very cold, I need warmth...body warmth." He said.

"Okay fine. But just this night." I climbed to his bed and he leaned closer to me. His bed is too comfortable, and not to lie, with his body beside me I feel warmer than usual.

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