Chapter 03

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Hailey's POV

Lunch was over and I hugged and said goodbye to Tori. She needs to go to her next class while me having free time so I decided to head to my locker to grab some things.

I still couldn't stop thinking about Zach. I mean not that I like him cos' yeah I don't, I mean I have a bad idea about him. And the worst part is that I'll be attending my classes with him around,  I sighed trying and forcing myself not to stress over him. I need to stress over books not him! Get your brain working Hailey! As I opened my locker I heard footsteps towards me.

As I turned around, three good looking men are standing in front of me. I froze at the moment, I couldn't move my legs with my eyes on Zach. Why's this happening to me? "You done staring, beautiful?" He smirked. Our faces were getting closer and closer as I snapped out "I'm not staring. What do you want Anderson?"

He faked hurt. "What kind of a question is that? I'm just-" as he was interrupted by me. "Just say it. I don't have whole day."

"Grumpy as always.. I" He said leaning closer to my face. I could feel the heat between us, God he's so good looking!

"Seriously Zach? Get. A. Life." I turned away and grab my stuff and close my locker. As much as I wanted to walk out I just couldn't with two boys in each side of me blocking the way. Zach's still staring at me and smirking. Seriously the smirk's getting in my nerves.

"Okay, what do you really want?" I said to Zach as he's still in front of me.

"Dinner. With me alone." He finally said it.

Dinner? Seriously! I hardly even know this guy! I mean I know his background... yeah he's good looking and all, but he's a playboy! "Let me think of about no." I answered seriously.

"No kidding bro! This one's-" James said and I turn my head on him "Oh, hi I am James Gregory and the other guy there is River Dickson." He said.

River turned his head to me and said "Good afternoon, Hailey"

"Is it?" I replied. Yup that's all I replied to these weirdos.

"Come on Hailey. Dinner won't hurt, right?" Zach said to me moving his hands to my cheek. Don't blush Hailey! I repeat get a hold of yourself and don't blush!

Phew I guess I didn't blush. I really wanted to leave! Ugh can't these freaks just leave me alone! With Zach crossing his arms waiting for my answer and his friends standing there each beside me to make sure I won't walk away. And there are people staring and murmuring things about me and them! Jerks- I just want to choke them all!

A deep voice whispered "So?" And no surprise it was Zach's. Okay I seriously don't wanna say this but I don't want to be talk by people also. Ugh damn this. "Fine. Now may I leave? I still have classes to attend" I groaned.

"Now that's my girl. I know you couldn't resist" he smiled at me.

"Do I have a choice?" I answered furiously. "And could you tell your friends here to get out of my way. They are kinda blocking my way." As I turned away and ignore his stare.

"Gentlemen, you heard the lady." Then River and James first walked away they both gave me a wave like a goodbye wave but I ignored them. "Bye Hailey. Later, 6 okay? I'll meet you outside the school." Before he leaves he gave me a wink and smiled.

Finally! Fresh air! What did I drag myself into! Dinner date with the playboy!

"OMG GIRL! I JUST HEARD, SO HOW DID IT GO?" Tori came to me shouting. Ugh can't she just shut her mouth for once? And woah- she heard about me and Zach already? That was fast! "Hey! I want details! DETAILS." She snapped me out.

.... I just told her what happened and- "I knew it! You guys are perfect together!" She giggled. "No! The hell no! I'd rather become a nun than to be with him!" This time I snapped her out.

"Remember what happened to my past boyfriends? They all want me for sex and money Tori nothing else. And this time I'm more careful" I added and I feel the hatred again.

"I know your past wasn't easy. Especially with what happened to you and Eric. I'm sorry, I really am. But hey, you deserve happiness girl! Don't let those assholes ruin your life! You're young and beautiful, don't you think it is too early to give up? Stand up again, this time this is for yourself and to prove to them that it was their biggest mistake for hurting you. The more you reject and hide the more they'll think that you are unworthy and weak, now you don't want that right?" Her words hit me. Yeah she's right. Why am I the only one affected while those jerks are happy out there! No, this time it'll be the other way around.

"Maybe you're right. Thank you so much Tori! I love you!" I said and I wrap my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. I felt relieved after our little talk. "Anytime and I love you too!" she hugged back.

The bell rang so me and Tori headed separate ways. While walking down the hallway, I heard people murmuring stuff about me and Zach. And something's telling me it's no good. People were staring at me and damn I hate those eyes. It felt like I wanna stab each of them in the eye! Stop spreading stuffs about me, please! My head's going crazy as I can hear some gossips and trust me it was dirty.

As the last period ended, I was happy because I get to get out of the room without hearing any dirty murmurs of me but then the dinner date popped into my mind which turned my mood upside down. I swear if Zach's up to no good I'll kill him! I won't let history repeat, not now not ever.

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