Chapter 49

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Hailey's POV

Hand in hand we walked back down the aisle towards the guests where tons of people apporached us and congratulated us. After 30 mins, we finally broke away walking further in. I saw Tori standing beside River and James. I immediately pulled Zach towards them. Just as I was a few feet away from Tori, she came giving me a big hug. Once she let me go, River gave me a hug as well as James.

"You look incredible!" James smirked. "Yup, you look great Hailey!" River agreed.

"Thank you. You guys look even better in that suit." I complimented back. They really look handsome in their black suit.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Lucy said standing up on a makeshift stage holding a microphone, a band behind her. "Can we clear the dance floor for the bride and groom's first dance?" Slowly people began to move away and Zach lead me to the dance floor. I was nervous but at the same time excited!

We were slow dancing while the guests watched us from the sides. "Finally, Mrs. Anderson." Was all he said before wrapping me around the waist. My heart wanted to explode out of my chest as I grinned so hard up him.

"Hubby?" I giggled.

"I like the sound of that, wifey." He winked.

I closed my eyes feeling safe and loved in the arms of the man I'll be spending with the rest of my life. He is everything that I wanted, I would never go back and wish I didn't bumped in to Zach on my first last day in college. I guess this is destiny, God purposely made us bumped to each other so we'll end up together. Thank you God, you never failed me. This is the best day of my entire existence. My parents are here and I got to walk down the aisle in the arm of my father. I got the best friends with me all throughout. And most of all I'm married to the man of my dreams.

"We won't stay for long, we have a flight in an hour for our honeymoon. Let them party without us."  He whispered in my ears.

" Where? You never told me where we're going. I guess you can tell me now?" I asked curiously.

"Nope its a surprise." He made a wide grin.

"But I have to change and our clothes-" he cut me off, didn't bother letting me finish. "I have tons of new clothes waiting for us in our jet." He replied. "And yup you need to change cos' it'll be hard for me to-"

This time I cut him off before any sexual words comes out from his mouth. "Zachary!" And he laughed.

"I already told Tori about this so she has prepared a dress for you to wear." He smiled.

Phew! At least I can change in to something lighter, this wedding dress is too heavy for my body. I just nodded at him.

"Hailey! Come here I'll help you get dress for your honeymoon." Tori interrupted us and giggled as well.

She pull me away from Zach and lead me into a changing room. Tori handed me a white tube, above knee-length dress from Valentino and a pair of blue Louboutin heels. After I changed my clothes, Tori undo my hair and she let it just flow down.

"Now that's my wife." Zach came barged in the room. He grab my hand and we walk out together.

As we walk out I saw my parents and everyone in front of us clapping, how awkward! My mom came hugging me and I hugged back. "Did he tell you where you guys are going?" She whispered. "No mom, he wanted to keep it a secret." I frowned. And she just laughed at me.

-At Greece-

"Wifey! Wake up wifey." I heard a deep voice calling me dragging me out of my slumber.

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