Chapter 29

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Hailey's POV

"HAILEY WESTWOOD STAND RIGHT THERE." Wait who shouted? As I turned around, I saw of course, Tori. Who else?

"Tori! I'm so happy to see you!" I move away from Zach and run to Tori and give her one big hug.

"I'm not." She groaned. "What are we still standing here? You owe me an explanation." She crossed her arm and then added, "May I borrow your girlfriend, which is also my best friend, Zach?" She turned to Zach with a smirk.

Zach smirked evilly. "Just promise you return her to me as soon as you guys are done."

I just stood there feeling embarrassed. "Whatever, Prince charming. Let's go!" Tori pulled me away.

Then we went to a coffee shop, one of our favorite place. You just gotta love coffee shops, it's so quiet inside and cozy, perfect for relaxing time.

"Victoria Loise before you react and stuff, yup I agreed to be his girlfrie-" I was then interrupted by Tori "I know that, what I wanted to know is that are you sure? This is your very first real relationship. You know Zachary Anderson more than I do, so you know what I meant about 'sure'."

"I know Tori, and yes I'm sure. I know also what you meant by 'sure'. Yup I know him more than you do, let's start with: He's a playboy billionaire. He broke a lot of hearts before. Sometimes he acted like an asshole. And he disrespected me before. He's most of the time stubborn. But I still love him despite his claws. He break through my shells. He fixed what has broken in me and for that I am thankful of him. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be loved and accepted by someone like him." I let out a big sighed and smiled.

"Wow. I- you left me speechless there. You're so in love with him! I don't know if I should be happy or worried. But as long as you're happy, I am happy also. Just promise me if ever he hurts you or what, don't hesitate to tell me okay? Promise me that!" Tori took my hand and smiled and I nodded smiling back, of course.

Zach's POV

Damn I am the luckiest bastard right now to have Hailey as my girlfriend. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like her. She's too perfect for me, goddamn she is. It really scares me every time I've spent with her, I fell for her even more. Her beautiful eyes, her perfect breasts, her very sexy backside, her endless legs, flawless face of hers, her sweet and warmth heart, her long beautiful hair, and every single part of her, I really don't know what I did to have all these. She's mine and I will never let her go, never.

"Hey dude! Snap out of it! Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you have forgotten us already." James slapped me at the back.

I laughed and turned to James, "Of course not! Wait am I smelling jealousy here? You got to be fucking kidding me bro!" James then groaned. "Dude never will I be fucking jealous."

"You're just jealous I got a hot girlfriend who I loved very much." I teased at James.

"Fuck your own ass! What in Jesus' name did Hailey done to you? That's bullshit man." James joked.

"She changed me man, you'll fucking understand once you're 'in love'." I shake my head. "By the way how are you and Tori, River?" I asked.

"We're fine, as friends." River said with no emotion shown.

"Friends? Just that? Fuck man, I thought you like her?" I asked and crossed my arm.

"I like her, that's correct. I'm just scared I might hurt her." River nodded.

"Trust me, I have felt that way too before I told Hailey how I felt. You know things will change, you will change, just see." I said to River.

"Who are you bastards and what have you done to Zachary Anderson and River dickhead? Er I mean Dickson." James laughing his ass off.

"Just don't forget I'll be your best-man at your wedding Anderson." He sipped his drink.

"Wedding? Fucking serious? We haven't graduated yet fucker!" Zach laughed.

"Watch your mouth James, maybe between the three of us you'll be the first one to be a dad." River leaned to the chair and smirked.

"I am careful Dickson." He responded. "Cheers to the future, brothers!" He raise his drink and we as well followed him.

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