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Hi, JML readers!!

I am — from the bottom of my heart — truly sorry for not updating for so, so long.

I honestly did not expect this story to have reached 9k reads! This was my very first story when I made an account here in Wattpad. I was like, why not try writing my own story? Then, boom! Despite the errors —grammars, spellings, & misplaced punctuation marks — this story is very special to me. It took me a big bucket of self esteem to continue writing until chapter 47. Oh, woah! From trashy imaginations, to something worth remembering  and holding on for. I am amazed & shocked that there are people who find it interesting—this story, I mean.

I am going to be honest with you all. The main reason why I haven't updated, is because I lost ideas of the storyline. Like completely mind blocked. But, rest assured this story is back on its track. That means... I'm going to promise you an update SOON.

Amazingly, so crazy! Thank you, each and every one of you sweet potatoes for the endearing support. Xo


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