Chapter 08

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Hailey's POV

As I was getting out of his car, I felt an arm wrapping around my waist and lifted me up. "Hey put me down Zach! I can walk!" I yelled at him.

"Shut up! Don't think you're not heavy cos' you are, now behave!" He then replied. Hey I ain't heavy! God that was embarrassing!

Sonia came opening the doors "My goodness dear!" She was surprised.

"Sonia I uh- asthma attacked. Oh, and this is Zachary Anderson." How awkward, talking to Sonia the fact that I'm still in his arms.

"Dear, come in. Oh thank you young man!" She turned her attention to Zach.

"It was nothing Sonia." He smiled. I guess Sonia fell into his charm. Oh please!

"Where's your room?" He then asked.

"Over there!" I pointed and we walked up the long curved grand stairway.

Then he releases me carefully on my bed and he gave me a wink after. My heart please stop beating! Uh- fast, stop beating so fast, what I meant.

"Uh, you can leave now, thanks." I said with a smile.

"Are you kicking me out already?" He smirked.

"I guess I am" I said.

Then a loud thunder struck! "Ahh!" I jumped a little then I heard him laughing. Snap! Another embarrassing moment!

"I guess I have to stay here a little longer." He then went to the couch and sit like a boss.

"No! You must get going." I demanded.

He groaned. "Are you serious? Are you sure you're okay? It's raining hard outside." He added. "It's not easy to drive in this kind of weather. I don't want to kill myself."

"Okay fine. Suit yourself." No choice so I just nodded. I got up and he then questioned. "And where do you think you're going?

"To the bathroom sir, you know to fly myself to outer space!" I joked.

He laughed and shake his head. He got up and walk around my room to check my things out. And I went out the bathroom and headed to my closet. Then I didn't notice he followed me "You got yourself your own mall." He joked. Shit I forgot to close the door. I ignored him and continue picking out my pajamas.

"Are you done teasing me?" I stand in front him. Then he leans closer. I felt his body very close to mine! We're just centimeters away, I can feel his heat! I'm melting over him.

"You're beautiful. You know that?" He whispered. Omg I think I just died.

"I know." I answered, flipping my hair and winked.

"And humble too." He added.

Thanks Sonia for interrupting our awkward conversation. "Ms Hailey and Mr Anderson, dinner's ready." She opened the door. "Okay we'll be down in a minute, Sonia!" I replied as she close the door and leave. And I push him away. "I'll just change my clothes, you can go down first and I'll just follow after." I said to him.

"Nah. I'll just stay here until you're finish. And it's okay to leave the door open while you change." He whispered to my ears.

"Perv!" I hit him in the chest and rolled my eyes as I walked inside the bathroom and made sure I locked the door.

Zach's POV

Her huge mansion is very luxurious alright, it's not a surprise since her parents are very successful. The interior and exterior are impressive. Of course our's more luxurious. Hailey and I are pretty much the same. Living in a big house, our parents were very successful, we got everything we ever wanted, big rooms, and big closet. Okay so Hailey's closet's bigger, two times than mine, not a surprise cause she's a girl.

She caught me following her in the closet. She's so cute when she's mad. As I leaned closer to her I can hear her heart's beating fast.

I was enjoying the moment how close we were to each other until Sonia, her maid call us for dinner. Perfect timing Sonia! Note the sarcasm.

"I'll just change my clothes, you can go down first I'll just follow after." She snapped me out.

"Nah. I'll just stay here until you're finish. And it's okay to leave the door open while you change." I whispered to her ears. I can see that she's blushing, how cute.

"Perv!" She hit me on the chest and rolled her eyes and went inside the bathroom. I can hear the sound of locking the door.

I waited for her to finish changing while sitting on her bed. And then I heard opening of the bathroom door. I saw her standing in front of me only wearing a sweatpants and a T-shirt and as her hair's just simply down.

"Let's go?" She smiled at me.

"Wait, what about me? I need to change too you know." I said to her.

"Fine, wait here." She then left me in her room. I wonder what she's doing. Then she came in handling me a shirt and a boxer. "Here, this is my dad's. If you don't mind, of course."

"Thank you." I accepted her offer. I love being comfortable at all times so a boxer and a shirt are just perfect.

As I walk inside her bathroom, "Wanna come?" I joked at her. "Asshole!" She then turn her head away.

As I walk out of the bathroom she's still there. "Let's go, go, go! I'm starving!" She turned to me and grab my arm and we both headed out the room.

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