Chapter 31

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Zachary's POV

I stood up from the sofa of their huge living room. I kept on looking at the watch. I noticed Sonia kept on staring at me the whole time.

"Is Hailey ready yet?" I asked.

"If she's done, she'd be here by now." She chuckled.

Moments later, as I was sitting on the couch, Hailey finally came down.

"Well what do you think?" Hailey asked raising her eyebrow.

I turned to her face and looked at her from head-to-toe.

"Say something asshole!" She demanded.

"Stunning as always, babe!" I said without hesitation.

I didn't know why I'm flustered the whole time. She looks beautiful. Her purple dress fits her perfectly well, exposing her long legs with nude-heeled shoes. Her long hair perfectly braided into place and she didn't even have much make up on yet she looks so gorgeous.

"You're just saying that." She said worriedly.

"No I am serious babe, I can't look away actually." I smiled at her.

But she still looked worried though, "I just hope your parents will like me and accept me-"

I cut her off, "They will. Don't think too much. I know they will like you, of course I have had always a good taste in everything, especially girls." I smirked. "Let's go, I don't want them to keep waiting on us." She just nodded and smiled.

Then we walk out of the house together with our hands intertwined until we reached my car.

We finally arrived at my house. Before I opened the front door of the house she holds my arm, it's like stopping me from opening the door.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked.

"Babe are you sure this is okay? I never come this far in a relationship and I'm afraid I'll mess up or-" I cut her off for the second time this evening, "You're gonna do fine, I promise that." I kissed her hand and smiled at her then I open the door.

Hailey's POV

"You're gonna do fine, I promise that." He kissed me on the hand and smiled at me as he opens the door. This guy sure do know how to make me feel better.

"You guys finally made it." A women in her late 40s approached us. She hugged Zach tightly and he hugged her back. She must be his mom. She was beautiful, even in that age.

"Mom, dad this is Hailey Westwood, my girlfriend." Zach introduced me to his parents. I was happy and worried at the same time!

Then she turned to me. "Hi Hailey, I'm Lucy Anderson and this is my husband George Anderson. It's our pleasure to finally meet you in person!"

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. The pleasure's mine." I smiled hiding my nervousness.

Then suddenly his mom hugs me. What the hell just happened. "Oh, sorry darling. Did I frightened you?" Lucy asked softly. "By the way you look lovely tonight sweetheart." She added and smiles at me.

Yes! You frightened me pretty lady! "Not at all. And you look beautiful yourself too, Mrs. Anderson." I grinned. Okay I'm so nervous!

"We heard so much about you, Hailey. This is the first time Zach introduced a girl to us." I'm so touched the fact I'm the first girl Zach brought home to meet his parents. The man standing in front of me, I think he's around his early 50s. He was a tall and a very decent man. More like Zach's older and non-playboy version.

"You're too polite Hailey, stop calling us Mr and Mrs. It made us sound old, trust me we're old enough." She laughed and I laughed with her also while Zach and his dad just smile. "Call me Aunt Lucy and my husband Uncle George." She added.

"Okay aunt Lucy." I beamed.

"Dad, mom can we just eat?" Zach interrupted. Thank God.

We went inside and as we reach dining area, "We're having italian foods tonight sweetheart. Is that okay with you?" Lucy asked.

"Of course, Mrs- er Aunt Lucy." I just nodded and smile.

We soon all sat down. Zach positioning himself next to me.
The foods were served, and we started eating. God I'm starving!

"So you're Henry and Claire's daughter?" Zach's father, George asked.

"Yes uncle." I responded.

"Where are they right now? I hope to meet them over dinner next time, if that's okay." George said.

"They're in Italy right now uncle. Ah yes they've mentioned that they also wanted to meet you and Aunt Lucy too." I responded.

"Your parents are coming back? Why didn't you tell me?" Zach asked and turned his head to me.

"Zach, my mom just texted this morning. I was also shock myself." I said.

"That's great then! Zach honey, you'll be in-charge to arrange a dinner with the Westwoods." His mom demanded.

Zach just nodded and he hold my hand to his lap and just smiled at me as I smiled back.

"How cute! But I wanted you both to graduate first before I can have a grandchild, okay?" Lucy smirked. "Mom!" Zach frowned as I just softly laughed.

"Oh I'm just kidding! But seriously Hailey, I'm so happy Zach met a girl like you and I can see you've changed him, to good of course!" Lucy said.

"Zach has changed a lot indeed from his playboy to a one-lady-man. Son, take good care of Hailey, okay? She's way too good for you." George turned to Zach and said calmly.

"Yes father, I will." Zach turned to me with his smile, ugh he and his smile's just killing me!

The lovely dinner then was finished, we all had a great time and the food were the bomb! "Thank you for the lovely dinner aunt Lucy, uncle George." I kissed Lucy on her cheek and shook hands with George. "You're always welcome! We already consider you as 'family'" Lucy smirked.

Then me and Zach went to the parking area, "This night was fantastic Zach, thank you for not humiliating me." I laughed.

"Babe no, thank you! You impressed my parents with just your words and giggles. You were great! Now I'm worried how to face your parents!" Zach said unease.

"Babe I'm sure mommy and daddy will like you. You're a very decent man like your dad. I'm sure you'll do great, more than I do. You're more confident and you're smarter." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

He then pulled me into his body and his hands were on my waist, our body's so close to each other. He kissed me in the forehead and hugged me very tight. Yes, from the moment he looked me in the eyes, I know then he's the one.

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