Chapter 17

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Hailey's POV

"Ughh. Wait- where am I?" I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing my head because of the headache. What happened last night? I was in the bar with them and I was left alone with Zach... Damn! I hurriedly check under my covers to see if I'm still dressed. Thank God I am.

Then the door in my room opened "Good morning Ms. Hailey, breakfast's ready" Sonia smiled.

"Good morning, Sonia. Uh, yeah I'll be down in a bit" she nodded. "Wa-wait! Who brought me here last night?" I asked

"You don't remember? It was Mr. Anderson" She replied. "Oh it was blur. Uh, what did he do after? Did he say anything?" I asked curiously.

"He only told me that you got drunk then after he carried you to your room and carefully put you to bed." Sonia answered.

"Okay. Thank you Sonia. I'll just shower first." I said.

"Don't be long Ms. Hailey, you still have class" she chuckled. "Yes Sonia, I won't." I chuckled back.

I went to the bathroom, took off my dress and started to shower. What happened yesterday? Did I say anything weird to Zach? Did I confess? Damn, what if I did? How embarrassing! I hope he didn't find anything awkward whatever happened last night. Wait, did I throw up in front of him? Hell please no! Or did we kissed? Damn! No please. Did we- okay stop thinking. Nothing happened. Nothing... Relax, that's right, stop over acting.

I went to the closet and put on brown short pants and dark green polo from Zara, I folded the sides up to my elbow. I guess I'm not in the mood for a runway today. So I just tied my hair back into a ponytail, this time I only put on lip balm. And obviously heels is a bad idea, so I decided to wear my black Converse and grab my hand bag by Alexander Wang. I looked at the mirror and I reminded myself of Bella Swan from Twilight, because my outfit today is close to her fashion in the movie.

I chewed a big cookie Sonia baked and drank the milk and left the house with my Audi. I headed straight to school.

-At the School-

"Hey hey!" As I tapped Tori from behind. "Hey!" She just murmured. Something's wrong with her. "Hey what's wrong? What happened?" I paused in front of her.

"Okay if I tell you please don't judge and react yet." Tori pleaded as I nodded. "Something happened between me and River last night...but don't worry he did used protection. The problem here is that I don't know if River is being real or I'm just one of his toys..." She let out a big sighed. "OMG YOU GUYS DID WHAT? Eh sorry for yelling. I mean you do know that River's a playboy like Zach?" I crossed my arm.

"I know that and that's what I'm afraid of." She sighed. Okay time to be serious, Tori's face looks terrible! "I'm sorry Tori. Okay why don't I ask River?" I offered. "N-no please. Maybe he'll think I'm desperate." Tori squealed. "Okay okay, I'll think of other plans... By the way, how about this Nathan guy? What's your status with him?" I asked curiously. "Oh him, he's already taken. He's currently dating the cheerleader captain." Tori said as if nothing happened.

"It's okay. He's not that good looking though." I joked. "Hey Tori don't go too serious between you and River, I don't want you to get hurt." I said hugging her.

"What's the drama here?" River smirked. "What n-no-nothing." Tori quickly responded. "Hail, I have to go. Catch you later!" She waved goodbye.

"What's wrong with you River?" I asked and slapped him on the arm.

"What did he do?" James asked. "What did you do to them?" He slapped River in the back.

"I don't know, did I do anything?" River questioned.

"You really don't have a clue? Ugh why are all boys like that!" I cried.

"Hey what did you guys do? Why is my girl angry?" Then a deep voice appeared. The voice came from Zach.

"Wait what? Your girl? In your dreams!" I frowned.

"You don't remember? Last ni-, never mind" he paused with a smirk. "What do you mean last night?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing. Wait, why are you that mad?" He snapped me out. "Oh , right! River, we need to talk." I said turning my head to River. Then I grab River in the arm and we both walked away.

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