Chapter 44

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( WARNING: This chapter is inappropriate for those young readers, so if you're under-aged then skip this- who are you trying to kid, I know you'll read it anyways. Lol.)

Hailey's POV

"Are you sure about this? We can stop if you'd like." He speaks in a very understanding voice as I place my hand on his cheek.

"I'm sure.." I whisper to him as I rub my thumb against his bottom lip and he smiles before attaching our lips in another kiss.

His hands run along the side of my body and I breathe out as it sends a shock in my spine. He pulls away and pecks my lips before reaching for his wallet, taking out a squared packet.

"As much as I see you as the mother of my children but now is not the time." He tells me and smile as he rip it open.

"Right." I laughed.

I bit my lip as he slides it on and once it's on he positioned his hand under my chin to make me look at him. "Tell me if I hurt you and I'll stop, okay?"

I take in a deep breath as he pushes himself in me and hisses through gritted teeth.

"Goddamn you're tight!" He groans as he pushes and pushes more until he's all the way inside me.

"Ahhhhh!...." I yelped.

He slowly pulls out and slides back in then he speeds up as I moaned and gasped. He started kissing my neck and all the way down to my thighs.

"God you're so fucking beautiful." He whispered. "And you're all mine."

"All yours." I chuckled softly. I flutter my eyes open as he gives my lip one last kiss before he rolls off of me and lays beside me.

"Congratulations, finally you-" Before he continues teasing me, I cut him off "Zip it, Anderson." I hissed.

"Hey I want to ask you something." I asked as he smiled at me and nodded.

"Do you want children?" I blurted out whilst Zach looked a little taken back by my sudden enquiry.

"Well...I guess I never really thought I'd even be in a committed relationship. So, naturally one could assume children were never going to be a part of my bachelor life." He explained as I just laughed.

"I love you." I whispered as I kissed him gently.

"I love you too." He murmured softly, caressing my face before a sly smirk spread across his lips.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll never get tired of this, us; you saying 'I love you', our kisses and making out." His smirk became larger. "Let's sleep." I laughed and yawned as he open his arms and I snuggled closer against him.

I sigh deeply as I rest my head on his chest and smile when he starts playing with my hair, making me even more tired.

"Goodnight sugar." He whispered as he wrapped his arm on my waist pulling my naked body closer to him, we're so close that we're millimeters away.

"Goodnight, Zach." I manage to say before fall into slumber.

Zach's POV

-The next morning-

I smile as I stare down at her beautiful sleeping face and slide my thumb across her bottom lip.

Fuck, last night was- I can't even put it into words. Even though I've fucked girls before but she was different. She really made it very hard for me, her body's a wonderland. I was surprised that I manage to control myself and know how to stop. Every part of her, I still remembered every details that happened yesterday. I'm just damn so lucky to have someone so perfect! Her perfect curved body, attitude, and everything about her are just flawless. I don't even know what I did to deserve someone like her.

"Good morning Zach." She yawned and smiled to me.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked her.

"Nope, it's fine." She said softly as I leaned closer to her and she just stared at me.

Our lips smashed and I gave her a passionate kiss. It was not long when she suddenly push me away abruptly, and I look down on her in confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I haven't brushed my teeth." She said shyly. I laughs lightly at her words and I can see her eyes widen in shock. I grab her the side of her cheek before I crashes my lips down on hers again. "I don't give a fuck." I whispered to her as she just moaned in reply.

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