Chapter 12

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Zach's POV

What's happening to her? Who is this Eric? Why is she crying like this? Something's not right and something told me this has got to do with Eric.

I hugged her real tight. I can feel her body's shaking. I haven't seen her this terrible. As I try comforting her, patting her at the back.

"Hailey! Hailey!" Tori came yelling. And grab Hailey's arm that leaves her body to mine.

"Look at me. Shh.. just look at me. I promise I won't let him hurt you, okay? Calm down." Tori said, hugging Hailey.

Finally Hailey had calmed down. "Let's just go, Tori." And Tori just nodded. "Let's go home, I'll drive you there, sweetie." She added before they both left.

"What's happening bro?" James asked. "I don't even know." I answered feeling clueless.

"Well all I can say is that the reason behind Hailey's tears has something to do with Eric" River mentioned.

I nodded. "We need to talk to Tori about this. Only she can explain."

"Agree. We need to ask her today since Hailey's at her home, Tori will be alone." James suggested. He got his point. If we'll not ask Tori today there will be no other chances.

"Hey, I smell something Mr. Anderson." River smirked as he slapped my back.

"What?" I groaned.

"You're falling in love!" River and his sneaky words.

"I have to agree with River, bro! You never acted this way towards a girl." James said to me with an evil look.

"Okay fine! I fucking care for her okay?" I spilled out so they'll stop teasing.

"Since when? That's unusual of you. You never cared for a girl ever except your mother." James teased.

"I don't even fucking know." I answered honestly.

"Since you're our brother we'll consider Hailey as our sister as well." River said "Right James?" He added.

"Yeah, too bad. I was planning on hitting on her-" then I looked at him furiously because I know like me he's a playboy, just worse. "Relax I was just kidding!" James quickly responded.

-It was last period-

*Ringggg* school was over. And thank God we found Victoria.

"How's Hailey? River asked Tori.

"She's okay. She fell into sleep as we arrived at her home. Poor girl" she answered and sighed.

"Victoria, I want you to tell me why did she acted that way after seeing Eric? And who's Eric?" I without any concern, asked.

"Easy man." James patted my back.

"Okay fine. I know I shouldn't be the one sharing this to you but I don't want to see Hailey crying- it all started when Eric Slate started courting Hailey. You know Hailey, being hard to get" I nodded as she continues. "Eric tried a lot of romantic ways to win her heart but he just couldn't, the fact none of all boys in school won Hailey's heart. So Eric decided to throw a party at his house and invited both me and Hailey, we both agreed to go so it won't be rude declining his invitation. Skip to the party, so he approached me and Hailey at the party and asked permission to Hailey if they can talk in private to settle things out. And innocent as always Hailey nodded and went with him.  As time goes, I noticed Hailey hasn't come back yet and it was already more than an hour. So I decided to look for her and as I tried opening Eric's room it was locked. I knew something was happening, definitely not good as I can hear the sound of crying Hailey and sound of torture. I immediately called the police and when we finally opened the door I saw Hailey on the floor with wounds everywhere on her body and her clothes were ripped off. Drugs were everywhere and weapons were on the floor. The police then hold the hands of Eric and his men and put them in jail but Eric managed to got out of jail  because his dad was powerful enough to clean his mess. Oh yeah and Hailey, I brought her to the hospital to check on her body and face and all. After few days in the hospital she was brought home but her mind and body were still shaking, afraid Eric might come back. After a year of recovering with a therapist, doctor, medicines, the trauma and fear just can't get off her. After that she never went out with any other guy anymore. And her house, the bodyguards were doubled. She wanted to ensure that Eric won't get a chance to go in her house. Now you guys understand. And that is why I am always here at her side, whenever and wherever." Tori left out a big sighed.

That asshole Eric! I swear I'll kill you.

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