Chapter 43

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Hailey's POV

"Wait, this is..." I said but he interrupted, "Yup, where I first confessed to you."

"Zach, I-" I was shocked with the place, the trees were covered with lights, and the floor was filled with rose petals, right in the middle was a table with two candles and flowers and of course food, there was music. We can see the whole city here, the city lights and everything's just breathtaking.

"Do you like it?" Zach asked from behind. I turned to his direction.

"I....absolutely love it!" I breathed. I walked to the table and Zach pulled out my seat for me before lifting the cover that was over our plates. Expected to see a fancy dish before me but it was pasta and fries instead. I laughed shaking my head looking at him. He took his seat across from me and shrugged.

"I know how much you loved italian pasta and fries so I figured that'll be our dinner, like our first dinner together."

"You amazed still remembered everything we did the first time." I giggled.

"Of course, that's how I treasure this relationship." He grinned. He's so cute!

We sat there eating our yummy food talking about our day and stuff until he got quiet. "Babe, are you okay? You're not eating much." I asked.

"Yeah, just saving spaces for dessert." He wiggled his eyebrow.

"Idiot." I muttered before frowning as I noticed fireworks spark up the sky, "Fireworks!" I shouted excitingly.

"You shouted like you've never seen fireworks." He teased.

"I've seen so many fireworks before but tonight's different, I'm with a very special man that makes the firework extra special tonight." I said shyly.

"Agree." Zach said, "Hailey, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, you know that? I love you babe, happy anniversary."

"Same here Zach, I love you too and happy anniversary " I giggled. "This another unforgettable moment." As I looked up the sky.

After the dinner and the firework display, we're preparing to leave.

"Thank you for tonight, Zach." I kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you too, sugar." He hugged me tightly.

As we reach my home, unexpectedly it rained hard. Wow what just happened? Rain? Deja vu kind of night.

"Like first time, babe." Zach laughed. "I know, it's like everything we did before and then it all just happened tonight." I said amusedly.

He laughed and tugged me in the shoulder as we went upstair my room.

I took of my shoes and, "Uh Zach-" when I turned around he walks closer to me and I feel my heart beat quicken with every step he takes.

Once he stands in front of me, he places his hands on my waist and I quickly reacted, "You know...I...never....since Eric..." I asked blushing so red.

"I know that, and I don't fucking care." He said in a soft voice. And I just nodded, my eyes slowly moved to his face.

"Are you sure?" He said with a big smile. And I just simply smiled back.

We stare into each other's eyes and we both smile. Without warning, he leans down to my height and brings his lips to mine.

The kiss gets heated up after a while and I moan softly as he wraps his arms around me and hoists me up by cupping my butt.

He walks over to my bed and slowly lays me down on it, never breaking the kiss.

After a decade (I'm just being sarcastic), we both finally pull away to catch our breath and a soft moan escapes my lips when he starts kissing my neck

One of his hands trails up to my breasts and he looks at me as if he's asking for my approval. I just nodded my head and he smiles before continuing his kisses and grips one of my breast.

The body kisses until we are both fully naked under the covers and we stare into each other's eyes, my heartbeat quickening.

I don't really know if I can do this or not...

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