Chapter 42

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Dedicating this chapter to allyssa_chxrms and @uzhmxa ❤️

Hailey's POV

It's been a week since the auction. And the necklace! I'm so, so happy! Wait, today is our anniversary but I haven't heard of him since morning...

*Knock knock*

I opened the door and saw Zach with a big bouquet of peonies and a big, BIG teddy bear!

"Happy anniversary babe." He gave me the flowers and the bear. "Happy anniversary too babe! Thank you." I said shyly.

"I thought you forgot. It's dinner time already you know." I giggled.

"Never... I was just busy with work babe. Now where's my kiss?" He smirked. After putting down the bear and flower, I reach for his lips and kiss him as he kissed back passionately. After maybe two minutes of kiss, "I love you so much that it scares me." He whispered. "I love you too." I hugged him and he hugged back tightly

"You need to get ready." He announced as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I'm taking you somewhere special, babe." He answered.

"Where?" I said a little excited.

"It's a surprise, if I tell you then it won't be a surprise anymore." He teased.

"Fine but at least tell me what I should wear?" I asked.

"Nothing." He smirked as I glared at him. "Just look nice."

"Hmm whatever." I squealed as he laughed.

"Yup. Now you get ready while I'll make a quick phone call. I'll wait for you down stairs." He told me pressing his lips on my forehead.

I hurriedly changed my clothes. I was wearing a plain white cropped tube top and a printed maxi skirt, both from Moschino. I slid into my red Valentino heels and I just leave my hair with my natural big curls. I put on light make up and I grab my classic black Chanel handbag.

"I'm ready." I grinned as I went down the stairway.

"Uh... You look beautiful." I heard him breathed out and I can feel myself blushing. "Let's go?" I asked.

"Come on." He grinned taking my hand and leading me out to the car.

"Can you at least tell me now where are we going?" I asked once we'd got in the car.

"Well I guess.....not!" He teased as I scowled at him.

"Asshole." I pouted.

"You." He murmured. "Are going to be the death of me."

I turned to him and I can feel his lips slowly biting my lip as I moaned softly and I jerked away.

"Actually, if you can't tell me where we are going then you don't get to touch!" I stated folding my arms as his mouth dropped open.

" can't do that!" He reacted.

"Can't I?" I dared my voice low and sultry. "Watch me, just watch me babe."

"Hailey, please." He whined as I laughed.

"Sorry Zach." I shrugged and mentally laughed as Zach is being childish.

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