Chapter 06

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Hailey's POV

Did he just said he likes me? Wait he didn't said it directly so nope he don't. I couldn't help but smile at him. He's very funny. The person that I'm having dinner right now is totally different from the guy in school and what I constantly hear from the rumors. Maybe it's one of his moves? I really don't know. It's confusing.

"Guess I'm...really normal." Was the only word that popped  into my mind.

My food finally arrived. Yehey for pasta and fries! Time to dig in! We started to eat and talk about something like interests and stuffs. When we're done he paid for the meal and we headed back to his car. He opened the door for me.

I had discovered a lot about Zach on this dinner. He can be cocky and a gentleman at the same time. He can be a totally different person. He's not that bad though.

"So how was the dinner?" He asked.

"I'm full, thanks for the meal. And I had fun." I smiled being friendly.

"Me too, and I hope this won't be the last." He smirked as I just replied with a smile.

"There's my house, thank you you." I said.

"So this is the castle of princess Hailey." He teased.

"Har har, very funny." I replied and rolled my eyes.

As we both got out of the car, he leaned closer to me. Wait what is he thinking? Is he trying to kiss me?

"Hey Hailey, thanks for tonight I really had fun. Til' next time?" He said and gave me a quick embrace.

Phew and I thought he's planning to kiss me! "Thank you too." As I walked away trying not to blush, closing the main door behind me and ignoring the 'til' next time' part. And I heard the start of the engine and woosh he drove away.

I picked my phone and dialed Tori's number. When she picked up I said. "Hello Tori! Guess what happened..."

"Thank God you called! I've been waiting for your call whole night." She giggled.

"Hahaha yeah whatever. The dinner was okay until...." then I told her everything. After an hour of catching up we both hung up and said our goodbyes.

Then I realized that it was already 10pm and I'm still in my uniform. Talk about how loyal am I to the school. Then I took off my uniform and rush to the bathroom to freshen up. I picked out a loose T-shirt and a short sweatpants from my closet. Okay I think I'm done, time to hop on the bed!

Before I can even sleep I just can't take Zachary out of my mind. Now I'm thinking is he really showing the real him during our dinner? Oh well, Hailey Westwood you need to stop thinking about him. Then I turned off the lights and drifted myself to sleep.

Zach's POV

"Stan! Park my car please and thank you." I shouted and Stan came out and do as I said. He's my butler.

As I head towards my bedroom  and went inside the bathroom to take an extreme quick shower. I put on my boxers and T-shirt. I was about to jump on and sleep but I just couldn't, I'm thinking of the dinner Hailey and I had a while ago.

I went out my balcony and just lean back against the wall with my head up the sky. She's something alright. I don't know if it was normal for her but she seems okay with girls flirting with me. I know we're not dating but at least show some concern or reaction, but for her it was none. The more I think of it the more interesting she gets. I wonder what she's thinking right now. I wonder if she likes me. I wonder how she felt towards the behavior of Leah and Samantha. I'm a playboy, I'm not good in relationships so the hell I care what she thinks. What if things didn't turned out the way I expected it to be? Why is she so hard to get? After a while, I headed inside my room and went to sleep.

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